Driving across country 8 to 9 months pregnant
Me and my husband are supposed to be moving to California this summer or around september.. which will leave me 8 1/2 months... we have to drive our 2 cars so he wants me to drive my car while he drive the truck and his car on a 3 day trip. Does anyone not agree with this. I feel like maybe I'm just flipping out for no reason but I'm just worried because ill be a whale behind the wheel . But idk if ill be able to handle that why'll I'm pregnant... and this is something that Has to be done.. he's in the army so we have to be there..
And make sure you see your in right before you leave to get the ok. Good luck!
It took me 2 weeks to recover. But beings as your driving. Just make sure you stop everytwo hours and walk for 15 and get lots of rest when you stop for the night. I suggest lying on your side with a few pillows proping your knees and feet.And drink lots of water .
Good luck.