baby showers ideas...

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
So this is my 4th and last am not expecting for anyone to throw me a shower. But knowing that I really one am going to do it myself, but I need ideas on everything and or anything that can come to mine. Am trying to make it a very good and different shower.


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  • is great for ideas
  • I was thinking of doing an outside one, too, since I'll prob have mine in july. I don't have a pool, so I was thinking of renting a playground because there are a ton of kids in family and I can just use balloons and streamers as decoration. This is my 3rd baby in 5 years so I can't really ask for gifts from anyone but my mom, but I was thinking of registering for little stuff like desitin and laundry detergent in case people want to bring presents. Picnic food (bbq, chips, pasta salad) and easy drinks (lemonade and water) plus cupcakes for dessert. It should be pretty easy.
  • This is my 3rd and last doing a BBQ going to have kids there too much more fun laid back kind of feel. :)
  • Ok help me understand..... what is a baby shower for??? To me I thought it was to get gifts from friends right??? So why can't Ppl with multiple kids throw baby showers? Its a completely different baby, with the same needs as the first or second baby right, or does that not matter???
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  • Lol @november_baby, I guess people figure that you'll have most of what you need from your other babies, unless there's a big gap between them. And since people sometimes spend a lot of $ it's considered rude by some to ask people to do it more than once. I figure, my kids baby books all ask about the shower, and I'm not going to leave a blank page. Besides, I want to celebrate this little one, too. And if people don't want to bring stuff, they don't have to. But I want to share my excitement, especially since this is my last baby.
  • Oh OK. I wasn't sure but that makes sense in a way.... but I say celebrate all the babies!!!! Lol. Hope everything goes well dear! If I was there I'd get u and the newby a gift! :) when are u suppose to throw a shower?
  • edited March 2011
    My kids are all 5 years apart my mom said NO to another baby shower but I think I'm warming her up to the idea. I would be so sad if she didn't go.... I have nothing left from previous babies.
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  • Oh OK. Is it "ghetto" for the mommy to be to throw her own shower or should someone else do it for her???
  • My m.I.l is throwing me a shower for all of my future kids!! I agree every baby should be celebrated! Why is the first more special than the last?? .. if no one wanted to throw me a shower id do it myself shoo! Lol this is my 2nd and I'm having a shower :) my son is 5 and this time I'm having a baby girl! I'm thinking ladybug theme, or something in red :D I don't want the usual pink. Maybe just the colors of her nursery and crib bedding that I'm making myself :)
  • @november_baby I'm throwing my own this time and I helped throw my first one, too. I had a "hidden" registry for my second so I could keep track of what I had and what I needed (I wasn't planning on throwing a shower where people bought stuff, so I didn't want anyone to know about it), and my best friend hi-jacked my registry and posted it under a different name and threw me a surprise shower. Totally shocked me, I didn't see it coming at all. I almost didn't show up, my sister was freaking out because I called her and told her I was too tired to come over, she had a to lay a horrible guilt trip on me to get m there. Haha!
  • This is our second and most likely last. They will be about 16 months apart and both girls and we are having a baby shower again! I feel the same, why celebrate one and not the next, plus we only have the big things from our first that we can use, her clothes we can't use because she was born in the middle of winter and her sister will be born in the summer. Im not putting my daughter in heavy clothes just because of what other people think. Plus, you can always use diapers!!! Anyways, for my shower I decided to make cupcakes. White cupcakes with home maid strawberry filling and buttercream frosting. Much cheaper than a store doing it! We are doing bbq pulled pork sandwiches, tuna salad, chips, pickles, beans, banana pudding, and candies. Go to the dollar store for decorations! We got so many things there that we needed and its all fun stuff! Im doing the poopy diaper game, baby bottle chug game, balloon belly game, left and right game, and on the invitations we wrote everyone that brings a package of diapers for baby, gets entered in a raffle for a prize! It will help you get tons of diapers! :) you can't even tell that we got anything from the dollar store, because we made everything look so elegant and cute! We got vases and we are putting flowers in them for all the grandmas, table cloths, tons of gifts and prizes for the games. We are also having a co-ed party so we made sure to get all the boys their own gifts if they win, which are home maid pocket knives that my dad makes! :) the girls gifts are all bath and body works things. Each bag has a lotion, body spray, and a body wash in it. :) hope this helps hun!
  • Wow cant reply much now but everything that was posted is good information to have and think about. I'll reply more later.....thx to all
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