Have my first appointment today!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Today is our first appointment for baby, what will they be checking? I am 8 weeks and 2 days. Will we get to hear the heartbeat or have an ultrasound do you think? We are so excited. :)


  • You probably wont get to hear the heartbeat because they usually can't detect it until 10-14 weeks. But you may get an ultrasound to see the heartbeat!! :) you will get weight, height, urine taken, blood pressure, and lots of blood work done. Weight, urine, and blood pressure will be checked at every appointment after this one too until you have the baby, with occasional blood tests and glucose test. You should expect a pap today as well. :D best of luck hun and congrats!
  • When I was 9 weeks we did both! It was exciting. I cried lol congrats on ur baby:)
  • My 1st dr appt will be april 11th.. i should be a hair over 7wks thn.. i wuz woundering the same thing an the nurse told me jus a urine test an thn find the health care & insurance i want... omg i hate getting my blood taken.. it makes me freak out lol
  • They can hear the heartbeat w a vaginal ultrasound very early. I heard my babies at 6 w 2 d.
  • Does a vaginal ultrasound go through the cervix?? No right?
  • @cantwait2BAMommy no it does in the vagina just a few inches.
  • Thanks for all the input everyone! So we couldn't hear the heartbeat, but we got our first ultrasound, and saw baby's heartbeat, and they changed my due date from 11/08/11 to 11/15/11, and I'm going to be induced on 11/11/11. :) So all this time I thought I was eight weeks and I'm only seven, but I'm so happy.
  • Were you positive about your LMP? @mama2jandr
  • When I went for my 1st u/s at 6 weeks they pushed my due date back 4 days but at my last u/s at 11 weeks its measuring ahead 4 days so we're back to where I originally thought I was!
  • @CantWait2BAMommy I knew I started my LMP on February 2nd, but it was way lighter than usual, so I wondered if I was already prego. But apparently not!
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