fetal renal dilation

edited March 2011 in High risk pregnancy
Hi everyone,
I am 18 weeks pregnant and just had my level 2 ultrasound. The tech told us that the baby had mild dilation of renal pelvis and now my doctor has me going to see a maternal fetal/ genetic specialist. I read that it is considered a soft marker for down syndrome. I am freaking out. Everything else looked great. has anyone else experienced this and if so what have you been told about it??


  • Im going through this right now. Are you having a boy or a girl?
  • I am having a boy
  • Then you most likely have nothing to worry about. This problem is extremely common in little boys. Its like splash back lol when they pee sometimes the urine splashes back up and will cause the kidney to appear enlarged. It will most likely rectify itself. Im having a girl and they originally got me all worked up saying it meant she had downs syndrome. Well 2 months, lots of tears, and one amniocentesis later we found out she doesn't have downs syndrom but most likely has what's called a double collection system. Which mean instead of one uretur (the tube that brings fluid from the bladder to the kidney) she has 2, another very common problem. Worst case she may require surgery after birth. Don't stress too much about it being downs syndrome because its most likely not. Good luck! I will keep you and baby in my prayers :)
  • Thank you so much!! I have been up all night stressing about it and everything I read is vague and unclear as to whether it is or is not related to increase risk for down syndrome. I did read that it was more common in males and often it corrects itself in utero. This is my third pregnancy and the first two both ended in miscarriage so I am trying to avoid the amino due to the risks. Thanks again and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
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