gender test?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
jw how manyof you guys have taken the at home gender test and were the results accurate?


  • I am curious too.
  • I was to but was told by a lot of women it was wrong. :( I know I wanted to use it too but I'm supposed to find out Monday keep ur fingers crossed for me that I even can.
  • fingers crossed for ya! my dr is making me wait another four!
  • @ areaume83 @momof22be @hnjen Have yall tried the ring gender test?
  • @hnjen its still suppose to tell you, its not 100% but it predict my lil boy I have and the lil girl I miscarriage. It's fun and kind of
  • ring gender? whats that @prayin4agurl
  • I don't know what the ring gender test is
  • @hnjen I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. Im due Nov 4 and so far my mom and manager "knows" its a boy. Lol.
  • I think i'm having a boy but i really want a girl i already have a boy. I pray for a girl. i only want 2kids.
  • Lol. Aww.
  • Mine was wrong....
  • I found out by us that im having a boy n I took an at hm gender test n the results were boy...
  • @areaume83 @momof22b you take a ring and tie it to a string, open your left hand and dangle the ring over the center of your hand about one inch, holding with your right hand give it a min if it swing back and forward its a boy and if it go in circle its a girl. If you already have kids it will start off with your oldest child to tor youngest and your future children you will have. It's amazing.
  • Mine said girl and I'm having a boy....
  • edited April 2011
    the chinese charts and intelligender were wrong with both of my girls. It said boy both times.
  • You can also do it over your belly if your prego and it will let you know wat you will have. And if you already kno try it and see what it say. Let me know you all results if you all decide to try it. :)
  • Mine said girl my uncle did the needle and thread test on me and it said girl too also Chinese and all other tests did and also a psychic told me my first would be a boy then a girl seccond so we shall see Monday hope the baby cooperates. ;)
  • I haven't done intellagender because my husband can't not have sex for two days and that's one of the requirements of that teat aaaahhhh selfish but even if he did we would find out on Mon right before the docs Appointment so yea
  • I used both of them, it said I was going to have a boy, which I got, a girl which I m/c and twins (boy&girl) trying to conceive so I will see. :)
  • The odds are 50/50. Lol its either right or it wrong, hence why some swear by it and some think its bogus. Its just for fun :)
  • I did the ring test and it says a girl! now gotta wait 4 wks to see if its right!
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