Horrible feeling

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
My tummy feels SO sore not even laying down relieves it and I also get really sharp pains across my lower abdomen. Currently 36 weeks


  • I don't remember all the details from my first but should be your body getting ready to deliver..I do remember my hips always hurting
  • Its so bad I wanna cry,, its not contractions im sure.. :(
  • I havent had a baby yet and I am only 10 weeks but i remember reading that this is can be normal, maybe call the nurses line just in case. to ease your mind and maybe get some tips?
  • have you drank enough fluids today? or try massaging it or maybe some heat to relieve the pain?
  • I seem to never have enough fluids.. I tried a warm bath and it was no good.
  • How are you today?
  • Its normal. I'm 37 weeks and mine is like that. Its from stretchin so much and there is nothing left to stretch. The skin and muscles are getting agitated. Just think it will all soon be over with. =) well worth it.
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