over weight and pregnant! very scared!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have a 2 and 3 year old and never lost the weight. I'm 240 lbs the biggest I've ever been. I'm really worried I'm going to end up 300 lbs. Also I have done some research and over weight woman are more likely to pass away during delivery. I'm 6 weeks and need some guidance. I'm loosing sleep. I'm not sure what kind of diet or exercise I should do. I know I need to ask my doc but my first appointment is still a couple weeks away.


  • I am also over weight and 29 weeks pregnant! I weigh around 248 and since I have been pregnant I have eaten healthier and actually have lost 6lbs instead of gaining any. Don't stress to much, enjoy being pregnant and go on walks with ur children im sure they love it!! Congrats on ur baby as well!!
  • Make sure you're taking your prenatals, focus on eating healthy foods and avoiding junk foods and sodas, drink lots of water, and take your babies on lots of walks. You'll be fine--now is not the time to stress yourself out over your weight. You just need to make absolutely certain that you're eating the way that you should be, and not over or under eating. If you would be more comfortable talking to your doctor, then just give them a call and ask your questions!
  • You could start just walking and trying to eat healthier. More fruits and veggies, less sugary snacks and cut out soda if you drink it. Those are just some suggestions to at least get you to tour drs appt.
  • ASk your doctor if they can set u up.with a nutitionist. We need about 300 extra cl a day for baby. They can calculate what u need to stay in control of the situation. It's a great way to get your body in a healthier lifestyle. Good luck!!
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