Is anyone have really dry lips? No matter how much water I drink they still are dry any suggestion?


  • Same here ..just keep. Chapstick in ur purse or pocket that's the only thing that helps me..oh and drink plenty or water
  • edited April 2011
    I was just telling my husband that! My lips have been getting sooo chap lately its weird ..my chapstick that work doesn't even work...only vaseline...
  • I have the same thing they are so dry and chapped they are starting to peel and hurt I put medicated blixtex on it and it never helps =( is this normal?
  • I always use chapstick and recently they are always chapped. Definitely not normal for me!
  • I guess its al part of pregnancy chapstik carmax nothing is working..... except! I found somthing my mom sells marykay and I was talking to her about this and she gave me this stuff call a lip mask u put it on ur lips let it sit for a min then take a warm wet face towel and wipe it takes off all the dead dry skin amd now my lips are soft yayyyyy! =)
  • @fourandoneontheway is the marykay stuff expensive? I've always had dry lips but nothing like this!
  • I guess everything almost is a pregnancy symptom...I was just telling my bf also that my lips are very very dry...I tried sum "burts bees" so far better then the other ones it tried...my time using this kind...I glad that I see everyone experiences the little things like dry lips too I not the only one
  • Drink/eat something with electrolytes, if you don't have electrolytes then no matter how much water you drink, it won't properly absorb and will do nothing...
    I drink one gatorade to every four waters when I'm dehydrated. Bananas and oranges with crackers help a lot too... also some blistex and all carmex have salicylic acid which actually dries out your skin more...(hint its the stuff they put in acne medication to dry out pimples)

    Try a chapstick with only butters and oils....shea butter, almond oil, etc. And always make sure it has spf15 or higher :)
  • my lips stay chapped too, but my "soft lips" chap stick works good for me n has a spf15
  • My lips are so chapped. I use raw shea butter.
  • If your lips are dry and chapped Your becoming dehydrated so drink fluids!
  • I've never had this symptom before, but I do this time. I drink water all day and eat tons of bananas because I'm craving them like mad, but it doesn't help. I've started using chapstick, and that at least helps with the burning and they haven't actually cracked since I started using it, but they still look nasty. :(
  • @likinsmomma no its not if my memory is correct it shouldn't be no more then five bucks... but I'll check with my mom to be sure
  • @fourandoneontheway ohh! I love the Satin Lips set. I also have the satin hands. Great stuff! I drink a lot of water, (actually I eat ice), after my shower I rub my towel on my lips to get any dead skin off, I use Carmex, but when its gotten too bad I have used A&D ointment. Worked amazingly! Just try to stay away from lip glosses, flavored chapsticks (I find the flavors irritate my lips bad). Hope it helps!
  • I splurged and got some lip exfoliator from mary kay... its a dream
  • Vaseline on your lips then with an old toothbrush rub your lips, gets all th dry skin off a treat
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