spanking. yay or nay?

edited April 2011 in Parenting
The fact that my 8yo son just infuriated me minutes ago made me think of this topic. What's your take on spanking as a form of discipline?

No, he did not get a spanking this time. He's currently in the corner. But for certain offenses I find it necessary. I don't do it often (I have good kids for the most part) but I am not against it.


  • I spank when I feel needed m. My kids know mommy don't play and will not tolerate certain behaviors. :)
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  • There are times and behaviors that I think the corner just doesn't cut it-when they do something that could seriously hurt them is my big one.
  • Depends on the circumstances. Mostly I do it when I feel other punishments aren't getting my point across, and I swat my little one when he's doing something dangerous. I'm more of a yeller, though, to be honest. :)
  • I will smack her hand. I was hit every day n beat for no reason and I mean whipped punched slapped pushed slammed and beat for no reason or for lil reasons. I was screamed at like I killed someone and I NEVER was bad enough or deserved it. So I try not to yell or smack my daughter but if she needs a smack on the butt once then fine lol
  • @magcaw I too am a yeller --and threatener-- but I've noticed that doesn't work :-? Taking things is huge for my 6yo. he will stop whatever behavior if u tell him ur gonna take away his toys. my 8yo however is a little different. very stubborn. so when I'm at my wits ends, it comes to spanking. usually results in hugs and apology for the behavior.
  • edited April 2011
    I spank. my daughter is almost 4. taking away things, putting her in the corner or on the step, or sending her to her room dont work. yelling doesn't work. spanking barely works. The other day she actually said ' haha you missed'
  • @snreda OMG! My son would be dead! But neither one would even think of saying that to me. Dear God, I hope I'm not having a girl [-O<
  • I got spanked....and I plan on spanking. But like you said I want the punishment to fit the crime.
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