any 30+ pregly's???



  • I was so tempted to make a similar post earlier today! It seemed like every one else on here was so young (nothing against that at all). I'm not quite 30 but seemed like every one getting their baby gender estimates had their b-days after 1990! It made me feel old or something & this is just my first.
    Thanks @Avery for posting this discussion
  • I'm on the brink. I had my first when I was 28 in July. Pebble will be here in September which is a month after I turn 30.
  • 31yrs and I am due oct 11th with our first.
  • 32 with my first. Due Sept.10.
  • Wow, there are a LOT of over 30's on here.
    I'm 31 and 14 wks pregnant with my first. My hubby is 54 and he will be 72 when our kid graduates high school!
    My mom was 36 when she had me.
  • Im 39 will be 40 in June, 13wks2d with my 2nd. I have a 3 yr old.
  • I'm 41 and 25 weeks.. have a 15 and 12 year old.. starting all over.. what a blessing...
  • Yes i am the father
  • I'm 37 will be 38 in June. I'm 34+ weeks pregnant with my 4th. I have 2 daughters by my high school sweetheart. (Not so sweet) we split 8 years ago. My oldest is 17 will be 28 next month and my youngest daughter is 14 will be 15 on Thursday. I am now married and have a 19 month old son with my husband and will be having our daughter in a few weeks.
  • 31 and this will be my third.29 wks.
  • I'm 31 pregnant with baby number 6.
  • I'm 40 and pregerz with my first. I'm 35 wks and 2 days. I'm due may 4th, fingers and toes crossed I don't go over I'm ready for my little man to be here.... My only concern is that will I have enough energy for him when he's 10 and I'm 50......
  • I am 33 and 11weeks yesterday. This is my first:)
  • Wow good responce! I'm really encouraged. I wud love to have at least 3 kids, but was starting to feel discouraged. You lovely people lifted me up. Thanks.
  • @newflmom2b don't worry, I know u'll be fine. U already have enough knowledge n wisdom to bring ur little man up. All the best!
  • 31yrs, 10 weeks with my first!!
  • 31yrs, 12 weeks with my glad you asked this, I was beginning to feel old too! ;) :p

  • @Avery ...oh thank u for starting this! LOL I feel normal again. I'm 30 but only ttc... my hubby is now 33. He has two from his first marriage but we want one or two of our own & I get nervous That I'm getting old to be a mommy... so, I love this post! :X

    Congrats to u all!!
  • Im 30 almost 31 an this is my first
  • I'm 31 and 18 weeks pregnant with my third. I have a almost 13 year old and a 8 year old both girls. I am nervous about starting all over again and nervous about the thought of having a boy. We find out in two weeks what we are having :D I'm so excited about having another little one though!!!
  • 32 24 weeks with my first
  • I'm 37 and 34 weeks prenant. This is # 6 for me, # 3 for my hubby who is 28. My other children are 17, 14, 11, 2, and 1
  • @avery thanks so much for your kind words sister. And to all you other mommies to be, rock out those pregnancys girlie girls. Love and light to you all.... ;)
  • edited April 2011
    @1sttimerarmywife, @newflmom2b, @mrsrocketfield1221 n all happy with the post , u r welcome. This is really an eye opener for me. Stopped grading myself old, cos ur real age is how u feel n what u think of urself. We definately r our own making.
  • I'm 32 and 20 weeks. This is my second!!!
  • With all these reactions I'm +ve I can make my target. God bless u all. :X
  • Im 36 & will turn 37 in June... Im preg with my 6th child... My oldest is a girl & is 19 with a 6month old baby boy, so as u can c Im a grandma now... My 2nd child is a 18 year old girl & my 3rd is a boy who just turned 16 two days ago & my 4th is a 13 year old girl & my youngest would have been turning 12 in June but he passed away in a daycare accident 10 years ago... All my children r from my exhusband.... I divorced with him during my last pregnancy 12 years ago & now Im in a relationship either a younger man & we both decided to have a child... Its been 12 years since i had my last child... So Im pretty nervous...
  • I am 31...this will be my third baby! I am 8weeks3days and sick as a dog!
  • 31 my first
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