tired & guilty.. but mad! ugh.

edited February 2011 in Second pregnancy
this is my second & I feel like I'm wayyy more tired this time around. I seriously go to work, come home, & lay on the couch the rest of the day. I feel terrible bc my fiance has been helping out a lot more with our daughter..
but I'm also mad bc our house is trashed & I'm way too tired to do anything about it, & he plays his xbox from the time he gets home from work til he goes to bed. he stops to change the baby's diaper or put her down for her nap but that's it. & what can I say? I lay on the couch for hours bc I'm so exhausted.
it makes me so mad that he's on his xbox so much, I want to smack him in the face. if I wasn't so tired I would! I try & conversate with him but its impossible! he shuts everything out & its breaking my heart yet at the same time makes me wana scream at him & smack him!
does anyone else have this problem?? I don't know what to do! )':


  • Yeah! My husband is not quiite that bad, but he still annoys the crap out of me. He starts to do chores and then doesn't finish them, or only does a halfassed job. It makes me crazy, but I stay home with my kids and he works so I don't feel right complaining when he wants to come home from work and play video games. Though it does bug me when he tells me that he just doesn't have time to get anything else done after spending 3 hours on his laptop playing minecraft. But I know he's trying and just isn't living up to my expectations (but seriously, when you sweep and mop a kitchen floor, do you sweep around the toys and throw rugs, or pick them up and move them??? And laundry should be taken out of the dryer, not just left there, right? Ugh). Men suck sometimes, and it's really exasperating when they don't even understand WHY they suck.
  • my fiance doesn't touch the laundry, I hate how he folds. he does dishes if I beg. he doesn't ever vacuum. doesn't ever sweep. the only thing he ever does it take out the trash & ony after I plead bc the smell makes me gag.. I can't take it any more! its driving me nuts living in this messy house! I hate coming home to it & stepping over everything, its horrible. I'm scared I could have diabetes again bc I've been so tired. we'll see, I have an appointment today.. /: wish me luck. maybe I'll have some energy & be able to do something! glad I'm not the only one though!
    & I agree. men DO suck. it seems he is less compassionate this time around. we hardly ever talk & I'm terrified this time around. its like he doesn't care! )':
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