Ok so i googled 25 wks pregnant n i get different months all the time..someone plz help me understand this stuff ..i have 3 kids but never went by month just hey im due n ..lol
Some could be lunar I believe its really confusing to me as welll I always just say I'm such and such weeks I knoww I wasnt much help but thats alll I know sorry:(
I read something that said we are really pregnant for 10 months but the first month doesn't count because you really don't know that you are pregnant yet, and usually don't find out until about the second month.
40wks=280days. 280÷30=9.3333 but then you have to account for the months with 31 days so it averages out to about 9.2months. Then because your due date is calculated from your last period you take away 2 weeks which makes it damn near exactly 9months from conception to due date. Hope that made sence lol
Right its 9 full months.. I'm 35wk2d and I'm 8 mos.. idk though I started out telling people what week I was at the beginning like I'd say 8weeks when I was only 7wk2d .. though I got to thinking lol so then 40wks will roll around and i'd be like Soo yeah that's false..eh to each her own.. I now say the week and just guess the month..36-40is month 9 I think