Is it true... (For women who know what they're having or have had children already.)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Is it true that if you have a boy, you carry low and if you have a girl you're higher?

Also about the urine, brighter and more of a neon color when you have a boy?

I find out on the 29th what I'm having, in just being anxious lol.


  • They're all old wives tales, but they're still fun to mess around with. :)
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  • edited April 2011
    Well I have a 14 month old girl and 31 weeks pregnant with another girl. I feel I've carried higher with both of them than my friends with boys, but I don't believe the urine thing. All depending on how hydrated Iam my urine can be bright yellow to clear. :)
  • I've had one of each and it looked like I ead carrying in my knees both times. At 25 weeks someone asked be if I dropped. Lol. (I hadn't) my best friend on the other hand carried high for a girl and low for a boy. The heartbeat idea seemed correct for me. 140 and higher is a girl lower for a boy.
  • I am having a girl and I am carrying uber low, so I would say not true! :D
  • None of them were true for me. I carry in the back, so I don't show until 3rd trimester. Urine color change was wrong, chinese calendar was wrong, sometimes u/s is wrong, too. My hubby was right every single time.
  • im not carrying to low but more low then high and im having a girl.
  • I carried low with my first boy but this one is carrying like my daughter did. I haven't exactly examined my pee so I don't know about that one.
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  • Oh yea my intelligender tests and chinese calender was wrong for both of my girls as well same with the heartbeat. :)
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  • I'm curious to see what I'm having. I carry very low. Of course, with this being my first I just always wondered if any were somewhat true. Haha thanks :p
  • Im still too early too to know what im having or to show, but i was chatting with my mom today about her pregnancies with us kids and she said, that my sis was high, i was extremely low (she was always afraid i was going to fall out of her lol), and my brother was really high! They are called "old wives tales" for a reason. Everyone is different! Lol
  • edited April 2011
    Not true :) I have a boy and girl and neither wives tale was true for me.
  • They were right on for me. First was a boy carried really low. This one is a girl and still really high at 29 weeks.
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  • Not true a friend of mine carried high with her first and didn't find out the sex and everyone told her it would be a girl so she was convinced..... Until HE was born. She also just had her 2nd carried high again and found out this time and it was a boy. Depends on the person how you carry.
  • I don't believe it matters im on baby number 2 and its a boy my bellys round and low and with my first it was high and round and a boy so boy number too bellys just a belly
  • I have two sisters who both had boys one carried more high an round the other straight out. It just depends on your belly.
  • I am carrying low and have neon pee its from being dehydrated and I am having a girl but the Chinese prediction test worked u just have to make sure u put ur birthday your conception date and then it will give you ur Chinese year and month but that's still just for fun too. ;)
  • Some Chinese Calenders tell me I'm having a boy and other say girl. So I don't rely on those things at all lol. I guess we'll see. Only 24 more days! Lol just have to remind myself to breath lol.
  • My friend had a girl n carried low I only believe in the morning sickness everyone that had girl was throwing up including me n the ones that had boy really ain't no a thing til 3 months cuz no sickness
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