New welfare bill passed....drug testing



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  • I get foodstamps and I drive a new mini man and I dress myself nice don't mean I do drugs or that's how I got my money for my nice car having kids its not safe to drive them around in some piece of crap I think the drug testing is a good idea if you don't pass then you don't get them but when is the government going to far there are a lot people who smoke pot so is the government going to let them go with out food and shelter and live on the streets or will they have to come up with another type of program to supply for or legalize pot
  • @uncaffeinated_katie I would too, but that is my choice, as it was urs. Some people dont believe n birth control, its a sticky situation.
  • @marierica, maybe if they legalized it, the money people would pay in taxes for it could help with the expenses. The govt needs to realize how much money there is to be made off it... But boy, that opens a whole other door... Worth its own discussion! Lol
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  • @pregnantlettemama yes that would be a whole another diss. You would think the government would be all over tho cause they could make boat loads of money off the taxes they would get
  • alot of places dont even test for thc in their tests, they r lookin for methamphetamines, barbituates, hallucinogens, etc.
  • @praying4our3rd not saying pot is not bad no I think its far but what kind of program are they going to need next for people who don't pass they will need to open more shelters and food banks will need more resources to help the ones who fail
  • For sure! Imagine how much they spend regulating it! They would save even more money, cuz the dea could have people only wgere needed. I mean they actually pay people to chop it down and destroy it. That money could b better used gettin unnatural drugs off the street.
  • Exactly where I am from pot is not the issue its herion and pills
  • @jaime77 ok. You make a good point ;;)
  • I wish they would pass that over here!!!! Maybe my family wouldn't be so effect up!!!
  • @praying4our3rd I totally agree drugs r drugs....drinking should be on there tooo... If u want or need help get clean end of story....i think if you dont pass you should only get one chance to get clean too... And as for thoae that dont pass your children get taken away and your on your own..... Its tough love..... Its the only way to get thur to some ppl......
  • I am 100% with it and I hope they bring a bill like that to mass.!
  • I wish we had that bill in Pennsylvania. If you can afford drugs you should be able to afford food.
  • I think its a great idea. I had to pay extra for our health insurance because both me and my husband were smokers (tobacco). If u can afford pot or even afford loosing ur job for a failed drug test than u dont need "benefits"
  • I think its OK just feel sorry for punishing the kids for the adults issues :(
  • I think it sounds like a good plan, but you have to think what are these people who are already abusing the system going to do once they are no longer getting that assistance. Yeah some may clean up but the ones that are truly hooked are going to do what ever it takes get there fix be it theft or robbery or whatever. So then they get locked up and you end up paying for them anyways
  • @mschop exactly that was my point and what about their kids how are they going to eat
  • I can more understand making the adults who fail have to go through a rehab rather then taking food from whole families.
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  • edited April 2011
    Sorry bout the triple post
  • Stripping the children of food is unless they will starve
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  • Starving children is better then rehab? Then the state will be full of homeless children that will cost the state more.
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  • I think it is a good idea. And this is coming from somebody who used to smoke. If you are getting help from the government you should not be spending money on drugs. I also think mj should be legal for medical purposes. I used it for my insomnia and was able to quit the minute we found out about our daughter. In my opinion the whole system needs reformed. I don't think it should be random though.
  • I guess im biased because my mom works at a drug rehab for women who have lost their kids due to drugs. And the only way to get them back is to become a resident there. 7 out of 10 end up leaving and letting their families or the state raise them.
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  • I find it awesome they are able to save at least 3 families :) Im a firm believer in rehabilitation ....
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