Convicted drug felons arent eligible for fs in georgia and in some states having drugs in ur system is considered possession so i kind of see it as the same thing. On drugs should = no assistance. My stank ass ex sis in law can afford to feed her meth habit and w getting fs her kids still eat ramen noodles for breakfast lunch n dinner. And family services told my mom the state cant take the kids because she "does feed them" smh
@mama_kat chaos is not the right word for what could happen. Hopefully the money the state saves will go into the prison system, ppl can do some crazy things to feed their families. Property crimes would skyrocket!
Ok so I think its ok as long as there is a program set for the ones who fail. ...So many of u said oh well if the parent is on drugs let cps get involed. ..I know a lot of foster kids who wish they where. With there parents because sometime they have sibling who they can see anymore once n the system and that hurts them more then having to take care of there self. ..Also weed is so easy to quit it crack and heroin that has these. Pplout here selling stamps and guess what half of them don't got kno kids they can got stamp from mental health
So my phone is placing words for me but my point is cps can't help the kids if all they do is split them up and send kids into group homes that pimp them for the free money half the kids never get to a family and some times when they do half r mistreated
I kno its sad to say but sometimes. The kids or put in an even worse situation. .....I kno a lot of foster kids thanks to my bd family and by the time they make it there self they are so broken from ppl mistreating them n u would not believe the type of money these family's get ti take these family's kids its crazy and half these kids kids never see a dime. ..My milis great cause with each girl she sIhow them that there is something better out here but they only get a year with her cause most of her girls are almost always about to turn eighteen but a lot of there storys hurt to here I don't wish it for kno child
I didn't read all the post but marijuana is legal in Colorado so am wondering how that would work for people on assistance that have a medical marijuana license...
One of the points that got brought up about people on welfare who are driving nice cars and have nice clothes being drug money. Im not saying I don't agree with you statement, but the drug thing wont actually help in most of those situations for a couple reasons. One being that a lot of drug DEALERS don't actually do drugs. Many just sell to other people who need drug tests. Another reason which after living in the trailorhood was that the people who are getting the state assistanse are dating people who may or may not do drugs who have money from drugs, but test clean. I agree with the if you can afford drugs then yeah test em. But there are also going to be faults in the system that are going to get used and abused by people in a whole different way.
Part of me thinks this is a good idea, though I, too, think that alcohol and cigarettes should be included. If you need assistance and can still afford new luxuries on a regular basis (not things that you already or had, or even splurging every now again) then you shouldn't need assistance. I can see the point about not wanting to make things any worse for the kids, but I don't see that being a problem--the kids already aren't being taken care of. Losing benefits that are regularly going to feed a drug habit isn't going to make a huge difference when the kids aren't seeing the benefits so as it is. The other part of me is saddened because there's no provision for helping the addicts. Though I agree that they need to hit the bottom before they realize that there's no place to go but up, I think this just adds to the stigma that addicts are nothing more than lazy pieces of sh*t who have no willpower, rather than people who are suffering from a disease and need help and support. I guess growing up in a family full of active and recovering addicts, and both of my parent's jobs as D&A therapists and administrators, makes me sympathetic to this illness.
I think it is ridiculous people that are commenting are idiots that have odviously never been on welfare or receive a SSC/dissability check because they don't pay enough to live off. Selling pot is the only way a lot of people can survive off the little money they receive.. once you've tried living off 645 dollars a month then you can comment something about it until then y'all should have enough decency to keep your mouths shut.
@huneybee I agree i dont know how it is but i am also not bringing those people down i am sure its hard...Its hard enough to live off of what my fiance makes and trhen everyone tells me to get a job ok for what reason so i work to pay for daycare for my kids and gas to get back and fourth to work it makes no sense when we save money by me staying home
@huneybee I'm sorry but for people to say that drug dealing is the "only" way to have income is bs. My uncle has muscular dystrophy and works on appliances from his wheel chair. There are honest, legal ways to suppliment income.
The only ppl who are definitely getting drug tested in Florida are cash (tanf) recipients. Fs and meds are not included. The state is broke and making ppl that live off $100 per person per month buy their own test. It cost too much taxpayers money to test for all programs. It won't happen, not feasible or fiscally sound.
Its fine when others rights and freedoms are taken away when u don't agree with what they're doing.....but I bet you will all mind when they start telling you what kind of food to buy with your card, or where you can't drive with the gov. money u use to fill up your tank, or that u need to be sterilized if you want benifits. The government having more control over people is always bad. U have to look at where the train is going ...not just where its at if you want to avoid the train wreck.
I actually disagree with this bill. It has a good theory behind it sure but I don't think its going to be all dandy in the end. @lalaliz has very valid points throughout this entire thread..I only see bad things coming from it as well, like crime going up and costing us more in the end with tax paying dollars..
@rhondala71 you are dead on btw. We already have little freedoms left in this country..too much government control is bad and if our founding fathers could see what we let the govt do they would probably s*** their pants!
Govt assist is used to help ppl out. Everyone agree with it. Ok now with that said a drug test should be used simply bcuz a lot of ppl are using drugs. I know some girls that are like 16 nd 17 have a baby nd on govt assist nd smoke weed nd on govt assist. Some ppl jus need to grow up nd I also think if u are on drugs u need to STOP nd focus on life nd get cut off assists bcuz its there to help not to be their crutch. A lot of ppl DO ABUSE GOVT ASSIST. I only hve medicaid nd wic. I use tht bcuz im20 nd still nd school. I need the help bt trust me wen I get tht degree nd job I'm OFF IT
@huneybee I know I might come off harsh or mean saying this but I dont agree with ur comment abt the only way to survive would be to sell drugs if u are capable of selling drugs then u can work @ walmart etc... I mean my gma survives off ss & foodstamps she just makes sure she lives