Pubis Dysfunction...has any one had it?

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I think i might have spd. It is excrutiating! Has anyone dealt with this and what did the doctor do for u as far as treatment goes?? I want to call the doc n just ask for a big shot to take the pain away. But just hoping i can suck it up till monday. Ive tried everythg and taking tylenol around the clock.


  • Its pubis diectasis symphysis...if were talking about the same thing. And yea I have it its terrible. I don't do anything for it...just suck it up de told me to take tylenol which h does nothing for me.
  • Ugh, that sucks. I have 3 kids under 5 so i cant even relax until my husband gets home. I feel old.
  • my doctor has me doing physical and aqua therapy 2x a week
  • This is the second pregnancy I've had it in. My midwife wrote me a scrict for a pregnancy belt that pulls the pelvis together and helps relieve pain. Also use a pillow between your legs when sleeping, try rolling over with it between your legs it helps too. I also just found that the jets in my tub help relieve the pain.
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