
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I've noticed a lot of you are very highly against adoption and suggesting it to young (15 and under) mothers. Not saying they are un capable but when they are in a debate with themselves about giving the baby up for adoption, why is it so horrible to be given up for adoption?

Not starting drama, what is so wrong with adoption?

I was adopted, my mom was 14 when I was born, and knew she couldn't give me a good life at that age (esp being raised by my grandparents, not the best option in my case(not all cases are as bad lol)) but she found a very loving and caring family who couldn't have children, and she gave them there best gift that any one could give... And she gave me the best life I could have asked for. I still thank her for doing that for me every time I see her :)

With that being said, I want to know your views on the situation, and if you disagree so much, why? (and seriously, if you say "only dumb white trailor trash bitches throw away their kids" I will kindly have you escorted out of the building, as I have been told that a couple times and ppl like that are ridiculous lol


  • Right now adoption is an option I am considering, along with keeping the baby. I have a lot of respect for mothers that have the strength to give their child up for adoption.
  • I think adoption is awesome!! Its the greatest gift one can ever give to a couple who wants a family.
  • I am pro adoption and against abortion...I think it is sad women put themselves before their child...If u have sex no birth control is 100% so u have to be ready for the consequences even if u did all u could to prevent it then they would rather abort than give kids a good home because of how they would feel and it's just crazy. Kids are raised happy and healthy everyday. Think about the child and give him or her a chance to be whatever God plans.
  • Im all for adoption
  • Adoption is GREAT! Whoever said other is just plain foolish. Its yhe mist amazing gift u could give another Mother.
  • :) abortion is the next debateful topic I'll post, cuz I know that one will get some hell lol.

    But as for adoption, I would never tell someone the best option for them is to give up their baby, but if you have the strength to do so and you know you aren't ready, then def more power to ya! Giving someone a gift as beautiful as that is a very intense and hard thing to do. There will always be a hint of regret, but there is always the feeling of having done the ultimate good deed
  • as someone who was adopted by parents who could not have their own children, I think its a great option! There are so many folks out there begging to adopt and raise a child like their own. Even though I don't know her, I'm sure my biological mom went on w/her life and had more children when she was older and better able to care for them. Its the best gift in the world a young mom could give to others if she feels she can't handle it right now.
  • I think adoption is one of the most selfless things a person can do. I have as much respect for birth parents as I do parents who keep the baby and r the best parents they can be. I agree with @preggointx ppl should take responsibility for their actions n if u can't or don't want to take care of a child that you made then I definitely think it should be given to a family that will love n provide for it.
  • I gave my son up for adoption . and its truly one of the hardest things a mother will ever have to do . but I did it because I had to and knew I could not give him the life he deserved . his birthday is april 8th . he will be a year old . I think about him everyday and miss more then anybody will ever no . im for adoption .
  • I was adopted too :) wouldn't change that for anything!!
  • None thing against adoption! My phylosophy is : dont have an abortion, just placed the baby for adoption!! I see nothing cruel about this, with the news on so many mothers that cant handle a child for whatever reason they neglet the child kill it or let it die! Worst are the mothers that kill their unborn, because its a sin! So I do have great respect for woman that have the strenthg n courage to make this decision! Every unborn child has the right to live, but that chil also deserves a goods, caring and able family in every aspect! I had my son at 15 & with my moms total support if it wasnt cuz of her, I would have done the same!
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  • I'm so glad to hear that several of you were adopted and thankful for your situation. I gave my first son up for adoption and one of my biggest fears is that he will think he was unwanted. When really he was double wanted! It's really hard to know that someone else is raising a child I had even though I know they are good people that I specifically chose.
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