Does your baby have lazy days?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm twenty two weeks, and some days I feel my son moving all day long. While other days I barley feel him or don't feel him at all. Is this normal?


  • Yep perfectly normal :)
  • @finallyamomma that's what my little man does and I freak out if he doesn't move lol first time mom so I am paranoid anout everything:P congrats on being 22 weeks:) I just hit that today.
  • edited April 2011
    I wish mine would be lazy now she's been movin all day and non stop for the past 3 hours I'm gonna be in teouble once she's born and learns to crawl and walk. I hit 22 weeks yesterday
  • Movement isn't counted until 28wks because baby is still small enough right now that they can get in a spot where you just can't feel them. It's normal, even though it can be very frustrating!
  • Thanks everyone for the reassurance. I think I just worry easy lol
  • Thanks for asking this I been wondering the same and I'm 24 weeks
  • Thanks for posting this I will be 22 weeks in 3 days and I worry when I can only feel her a couple times a day instead of all the time like some days irritating!
  • @Kkj09 and @babyjoshiesmom Do ya'all have some days that you dont feel the baby hardly at all? Yesterday I didnt feel my little man but maybe once and it was so faint im not sure if it was him or not. Today tho I have felt him quite a few times but not near as much as I did Satuday - Tuesday.
  • I'm 20 weeks and I have noticed that also.
  • I'm 25 weeks and same thing happens to me.
  • Yes he has his days, but I usually push around on my belly and he will give me a lil kick back, that's how I check on him. My baby daddy says its mean but I tell him that's how I play with him lol...
  • Yes don't worry im on baby number 2 and my son did that and now im 26 weeks and some days wonder if he's still in there
  • yess & it scares the crap outta me lol
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