blue dye hpt's
Just curious as to why ppl say they aren't reliable as pink dye. I used blue dye test as well as digitals w/ my angel baby. It was pretty accurate.
Even though this time around I will be using FRER and those are pink dye. ;-)
Even though this time around I will be using FRER and those are pink dye. ;-)
Basically I found that most false positives occur with blue dye hpt's. those are going to be your e.p.t.'s, equate brands...while pink dye's are like frer, answer, etc.
Like a lot of the women said it had a faint, thin second line and ended up not being pregnant. They said a lot of times on blue dyes the test line has to be as thick as the control line to be accurate.
I'm a line spotter so I can interpet lines pretty I love seeing the two pink lines. Digitals do give you that extra piece of mind though. That's why I use both. :-)
Blue dye test generally have a control line and the test line looks like a + sign if positive. Most popular example, would be the e.p.t. brand.