blue dye hpt's

Just curious as to why ppl say they aren't reliable as pink dye. I used blue dye test as well as digitals w/ my angel baby. It was pretty accurate.

Even though this time around I will be using FRER and those are pink dye. ;-)


  • I didnt even know there was a difference in tests like that.. I thought a test is a test right? lol
  • I didn't know they had blue dye ones! Huh lol I guess a test is test!
  • edited April 2011
    @autumn_babe @tryforbaby2 well after no one said if they had any experience or not...I just Googled it.

    Basically I found that most false positives occur with blue dye hpt's. those are going to be your e.p.t.'s, equate brands...while pink dye's are like frer, answer, etc.

    Like a lot of the women said it had a faint, thin second line and ended up not being pregnant. They said a lot of times on blue dyes the test line has to be as thick as the control line to be accurate.
  • I thought there Was only a difference b/n the lines and the digital ones.. about how rhe digital ones are more reliable and readable
  • @kritten_octoberbby nope! I've read all over the net that a lot of mommas, hopefuls, and mommas to be that haven't had good experiencing with blue dye.

    I'm a line spotter so I can interpet lines pretty I love seeing the two pink lines. Digitals do give you that extra piece of mind though. That's why I use both. :-)
  • @waiting4numerouno thanks for the info,sorry I couldnt help.
  • @tryforbaby2 no worries. no help needed, not like it was life or death. lol :-P i was just really curious if anyone else heard the same thing or had any issues w/ blue dye test :-S
  • Oh wow ok so which have pink die? An where can i buy it asap @wating4numerouno
  • @mommy2ofangels the pink dye test are the test that shows up pink when you get either a positive or negative. Most popular example I can think of is the First Response brand.

    Blue dye test generally have a control line and the test line looks like a + sign if positive. Most popular example, would be the e.p.t. brand.
  • @Waiting4numerouno i used first response BFN right away used ept started out postive which normally dont happen then after few minutes. BFN
  • @waiting4numerouno I got an "evap line" from a blue dye test. Essentially, there were 2 lines, but it was still a bfn. Evaporation lines are usually gray in color, but this line was bright blue. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. That's why I won't use blue dye tests in the future!
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