i think i'll cry.

edited April 2011 in Trying to conceive
Has anyone ever felt this way? I think if I get pregnant and I find out its a boy I think I will cry. I love my boys so much, but I want a girl so bad. I've been trying the best I can to trying making a girl. (I know not very possible) but I made sure I had sex in april plenty time before the app said ovulation was. Then last night we had sex, kinda forgot the condom. I want so much to have a little girl. My app on my phone says the 8th is ovulation. The last time we had sex was on th 2nd or 3rd. But then we did it last night. I wasn't planning on that cuz I'm trying for girl. I know I am insaine. But I want it so bad. The needle thread said my next ones a girl. The chart at my ob office says conceiving in april will be girl. I honestly think I will cry if its not. I'm sorry for this. I just needed to say somthing. And I think my husband will be upset if its a boy too. Has anyone else felt this way before? Or am I the only one?


  • I felt like that. Except the opposite....I really want a son for my first child. But as the time passes I just get excited to know I'm actually "growing" a baby. Now I would be happy either way.
  • its not insane. my gf has 3 lil boys. n I know she would love tus baby too. w all her heart. but I know she wanted a girl more than anything. finally gave her her lil girl. she probably woulda cried if it was a boy. cuz she feels like this is her last pregnancy. 4 kids already w this one
  • edited April 2011
    I wanted a boy so so so bad. All of the old wives tales said boy and everyone around me said they thought it was a boy. At an ultrasound we found out its a girl. I was pretty devastated at first, but this is my child and I already love her to pieces. Im sure you will love your baby regardless of the plumbing. But I really do know how hard it is to have your mind set on one and get another.
  • @rockinmomma plumbing.....Lmfao! Hahahah..
  • Lol its funny because I think every mom has wished 4 a boy or girl & sometimes we get what we want & somethimes we don't but the way I look at it is "it ain't up 2 me!!" That's all on God & what I'm suppose 2 have. I just knew my 1st child was going 2 be a boy...2 my mistake the nurse was like "umm this is a girl!" I looked at her like there was no way lol. Now my daughter is 5 I wouldn't trade it 4 the world! We don't get what we want all the time but I hope u get the baby girl u wish 4 whenever she gets here...good luck!
  • Thanks everyone. I'm sure with in the 9 months I would love it by the time it got here. But I can't help but think how sad I will be if it turns out a boy. But your all right. No mateer what I will be happy with it. Thank you.
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