any one have a birthday while pregant



  • My first pregnancies baby shower was on my 22nd bday, Bday/baby shower cake, I was 8mos. My second pregnancy I was 7mos prego and now with this baby I was 5wks prego on my 29th bday that was on jan. 25th. ;-)
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  • I've been pregnant during my birthday going on three times now, and this is my third! My birthday is June 26th. My daughter was born September 10th, my son was born January 13th, and I'm due July 11th this time! I was about 6 months (I think?) with my daughter, only about 3 months with my son, and I'll be term about a week before my birthday this time around. Part of me would like to have him early; on my birthday! I mean, he'd only be two weeks early! :-j
  • June 12 missing out on my 21st bday!!! Ill be 30 something weeks!!!
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  • I turned 23 on Feb 21, I was 23 wks. We went to see the Rites, nd even thou he hates it we ate at the olive garden. I did indulge in one glass of red wine, but after doin my research
  • @MarinesAngel Awws, that's awesome! =D My pregnant BDays were 19, 22, and now 24. LoL.
  • I turned 19 on February 2nd. I was only 8 weeks I believe.
  • Ill turn 24 on August 5th b4 i deliver
  • Turnin 20 may 19 havin baby may 22 maybe even on my birth date
  • My bday is august 3rd and I will be 8 months prego!! Due 9/11
  • I'm 26 weeks now. My 21st b day is may 11...
  • I will be 8 months prego on my 21st 7/12 but id much rather have my little princess than my first "legal" drink! I am going to buy my hubby a 12 pack though just to see if people give me the eye or question me:)
  • I'm due on my birthday, August 14 and I'll be 21.
  • I turned 23 with my first and was 4 Mon prego. Turned 26 with my second and had him 2 weeks later. This one I will be turning 28 on June 23 rd and be 18 weeks prego. We just had friends over for a bbq. They had drinks and I had ginger ale
  • I just turned 34 on march 21st and im now 25 wks.. this was a difficult bday for me cause my mother was supposed to turn 61 two days after my bday but she's celebrating in heaven now...
  • I'll b 22 on 4/20 n I'm now 23w3d first birthday I can't do anything
  • My b day is new years eve december 31st .I was preg my 18th,20th,21st and 30th bday.this is my 5th 4th I wasn't preg on my bday but I conceived on my bday.crazy
  • I had my 18th with my first (which in England is when u are legal to drink alcohol) so I had a sober birthday and I turned 21 at the end of march so I had to remain sober for that to :/ x.
  • @melinda326 no i don't know what we r having yet. And we may not know until the baby gets here, it is what we have done w all of ours expect our youngest daugther
  • Mine is may 4 & im due may 15 if he comes on my b'day im giving myself a new one lol
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  • I will be 22 !april 24 which is Easter Sunday which happen ever 4yrs werid and I'm due sept 25 find out babys gender today and as far as blaming it on the alchool I did enough for 21 22 and 23 on my 21st bday party in all the hot cities I think this one ill be wit jesus n dinner
  • Mine is Aug 31 ill be 8 months 4 days! I've said I want my birthday to be about me! Nothing for the bump lol
  • I found out I am pregnant 2 freaking weems b4 my 21st :(
  • rather large 22nd I think :)
  • I am due on Nov 8 and my birthday is the 6th... So I may have a birthday while pregnant. Or not!

    @ beautiful_altar a buffet is like a pregnant womans bar, isn't it? Great way to spend a birthday!
  • My bday is 8/3 and I'm due 11/9. We can all get wasted on ice cream!
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