any one have a birthday while pregant



  • I will be 19 on July 17th and I will be almost 30 weeks... 29w5d exactly :)
  • My 20th bday is Sept 2. My due date is Sept 22. Hopefully the baby isn't born early haha.
  • @mrs_applespicy your due on my bday :) lol and I see there isn't very many July mommies in here. Woo were a rare species today ladies :)
  • I turned 25 on feb 18th I think I was 14 weeks. I'm now 24 weeks today
  • I was pregnant one my 19th and 22nd and I will be on my 27th birthday. I had a d&c on my 21st. The nurses got me a cake to make me feel better.
  • Ill be 25 on 23 april ill be 11 weeks xx
  • Mines is tomorrow, nd I'm 31 weeks
  • edited April 2011
    Me! I turn 21 on may 7th & i'll be 26 weeks 1 day :) my baby girl is due august 12th & idk what i'm gonna do for my b'day yet, maybe just go out to dinner & have a virgin margarita :) but a week after my bday were going to Vegas to get married! :X yaaaay!!!
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