second appointment

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im suppose to go for my second appointment next week. I will be 12wks! Whats gonna happen? Just wondering because the first appointment sucked ): my ob is so rough!


  • My second appt I had my first ultrasound, heard the heartbeat, seen the doc so she could ask if I had questions.. then I was done! Maybe yours will be that wayy too (:
  • Well I got an ultrasound the first time. My mom said I won't see the baby each time but I will get to hear the heart beat.
  • If your ob is rough, I would find one you like. It can be hard to find a good one.
  • Superbun is right, even if you are going to a group practice You can refuse to see a certain obgyn.

    There is no reason to allow it, and the further along you get the more stressed out you will be.
  • My ob also delivered my little brothers. My mom thinks she's great. I was trying to explain to my mom that she hasn't seen her in 12 years. This woman has gotten older and it seems like she's just going through the motions. The pap she gave me was really rough. It never hurt when my regular physician did it. I'm going to look at seeing someone else in the office.
  • Thesecond is short la=ing like twenty minutes just checks the weight and blood pressure and measures your stomach and listens fr a heartbeatthen tips and answering questions. Pretty smple nothing like the first appointment lol
  • My Dr said at my 2nd one which will be 12 weeks that he will do another ultrasound and also some testing for down syndrome...not sure what else
  • I will be 9 weeks at my 2nd appt next week.. will the dr be able to pick up the heartbeat or should I beg for an u/s? I'm seeing a diff doc than my first appt cuz the first guy was just "by the book" and wouldn't order an u/s until 18weeks.
  • My ob wouldn't do an us unless she couldn't pick up the heartbeat at my 10 week appt I called another dr and go in next week for a us :) if u dont agree with ur dr or don't feel comfortable see a new one express up front what u want n they will tell u if they can do it im so happy I did!
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