very sick, anyone else have this problem?

edited April 2011 in December 2011
I should be 5 weeks today and due 12/9. I go to my first appt. on Tuesday but I've been really sick since wed. My throat is swollen and killing my, my nose is stuffy, my voice is gone from coughing so much. I'm just worried, idk if this is okay for the baby. I even had a slight fever yesterday. I called the doc but they could squeeze me in and said to take tylenol. Anyone else experiecing any colds or sore throats?


  • I had one for about a month. But no fever. You really should see a doc. Try another doc doesnt have to be an OB see ur family doc or go to one of those clinics that you could just walk in
  • they arent usuallt worried when your just have a cold or whatnot but if you have a fever that could be cause for concern. Keep drinking plenty of water and feel better :)
  • Just curious...what was your temp?
  • It was 100.8 but I took some tylenol and it brought it down. it never went back up. I'm drinking tons of water but still feeling crappy. Thanks girls.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah I've been sick twice..doc said is actually good for the baby long as u don't dehydrate or fever Cuz it immunizes them but Def keep the fever down with low doses of tylenol doc Tld me that u have to think of ur belly as a little oven and I no it sounds completely awedul but if ur oven gets too hot it could cook ur little ones brain.. Srry for the downside I no it sucks.
  • I know how you feel I am 33 weeks and have been feeling sick for about a week. Just keep the fever down and drink water and make sure to get lots of rest. There isn't much you can do when you are sick and pregnant just relax and if the fever keeps coming back see a doctor for sure but if it doesn't I wouldn't worry. I hope you feel better soon :)
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