Your choice of discipline???
How do you or how do you plan to discipline your child? Just curious as to how mothers and mothers to be choose to discipline... I myself dnt plan on spanking my child... I'll like to try other methods. I personally dnt think physical discipline gets the point across in the long run... Any other opinions??
If we're in public, all I have to do is give him "the eye" or start counting. We usually only get to 1, every so often we get to 2, and we've never had to get to 3 lol. He knows what 3 is, and 3 has only been reached a handful of times at home, and that's usually when a good swat on his back end comes into play. Also, being consistant with punishments help. If you tell them "No cartoons when we get home", follow through with it every time. That way, they KNOW you're serious when you "threaten" them.
As @isaiahnjocelynsmommy says, different things work for different people. Just remember that kids don't generally understand the reason you raise your voice. They don't communicate the yelling with being angry. I read that until they're about 4, raising your voice doesn't really do a whole lot. I also think that getting down to their level (physically bending down or sitting them where they have eye contact with you) helps.
I am no know it all lol, but this all works for me. I've gotten pretty lucky with a well mannered kid, but I think a lot of persistance really does work. Good luck to you!
Every kid is different, but I'l be damned if I have a kid who calls me a "bitch" in the grocery store cuz I wouldn't buy his ass a candy bar. Bust his butt the first time that happens and something tells me it'll be the last.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying beat your kids folks. I'm also not saying if you spank a kid he'll turn out perfect. I realize every kid, parent and situation is different. I also realize that some punks/thugs had good parents.