How do I quit smoking and not blow up on my kids!! I have cut down alot.. But when I'm upset if I don't step back and smoke a cigarette I can really spazz.. I hate yelling and if I can stay calm I'm great and have no issue.. Without a cigarette I seem to get angry more often and have less patience.. I have a two three and six year old so two toddlers can be hard to deal with. When I see myself getting angry I tell them sit down I go outside smoke a cigarette and go back in calm and clear headed.. If I don't have that I'm scared ill be irratated all the time. My husband has a new job so even though he usually helps its all up to me now and they fight with eachother alot and I dont know how I can remain calm and not get angry when they get like that. I've been smoking for years so its hard as it. is.
@Samantha I know how u feel but I'd mention tht you not talkin about this is an issue. tell him u understand he needs time for it to sink in but u need reassurance u will be together or he won't leave u etc.
@cheryl74, the rule of thumb is that brown blood is ok, bright red blood with cramping is scary - but not a sure thing.
Brown blood, I've heard, is just old blood flushing out. Some people have even had blood clots pass and had okay babies. So don't panic, don't stress.
ER doctors have to know a little about everything, so they aren't usually specialists. If you heard the heartbeat after, maybe that ER doc just didn't know much about pregnancy. You will likely be told to take it easy and maybe be put on bed rest.
On a side note, my mom had regular periods for 4 months when she had my brother. She didn't realize she was pregnant until almost 6 months down the line.
Well they offer a quit smoking program. I did it with my daughter since we couldn't do cold turkey. Also there is a web site for prego tryin to quit lol. I can give my tips if ya want
@leggs2011. I didn't hear any of my babies heartbeats until the 2nd visit at 12 weeks but I have seen some postsof mommys who have heard earlier then 9. Just don't be freaked out if you're like me. First visit for me was a pelvic exam to confirm prego. Q&A and giving alot of blood. Good luck and congrats!
@jwigs@shae thank you for your input. I'm just a lil nervous/worried. I had some light bleeding at 5 weeks so that's why I went in.. the er doc made me sooo scared b.c. he couldn't see the baby, only the sac. So I had to wait 4 hours to get another u.s by another special doc and he saw baby.
When I went back for a follow up visit that doc wanted me to come in every week until he seen the heart beat. But the hcg levels more then quadrupled so I figured baby was growing..
Think they will give me another u.s? I kinda think they might..
im possibly 4wks pregnant, have yet to take a test but my period is MIA. However I have the worst time staying a sleep a night. Is this a normal symptom and how long does it last?
@youngmommy2011 many women have sleepless nights while pregnant and it can last throughout the whole pregnancy. i would go ahead and take a test to verify pregnancy and then go talk to your ob/gyn about sleep aids... good luck
@booface oh thanks hun... @isaiahnjocelynsmommy oh hun im sorry i didnt mean it that way!!! i thought you were asking if i needed help... but you are more than welcome to comment on peoples questions if you know the answer!!! i made this tread because i was sick of having to weed through the drama!! im soooo sorry that i wrote that wrong yesterday!! please forgive me!! i really didnt realize that was how you would take it... :O
@ghettobetty i miss her too!!! @peaches80 i took this from kerrideern's idea because it was such a great idea especially in the madness that is pregly lately!!! lolz...
Sorry so long! So about 3 weeks ago I noticed a difference in my blood pressure. The first reading that day was 136/90. I am usually really low. On march 28 top was 141...on april 1st it was 144... On april 2nd I went to the er because I felt like i was having a heart attack, my blood pressure was taken four different times ranging from 136-144/53-63 and my pulse was 72-132...on 4/7 153/79 and my pulse was 101...4/9 it was 150/73 and pulse was 105. My concern is my doctor is invalidating the possibility of a problem because of how far she believes I am, which I believe is off anyway?! What should I do?
so I feel like I am so paranoid but I need to ask if u all think I'm OK well if she is OK I took some Chinese herbal meds from a Chinese doc that I saw on Thurs I took two doses of the nasal decongestant ones and one dose of the tention release the doc said it was safe but I was still a little worried so I looked up a few of the ingredients on line and they said caution or do not use surfing pregnancy I also did acupuncture and I felt her move the day of and the day after but not anything since I stopped the meds on Thurs night what do u think? I thought of buying a Doppler but feel like that will make me more paranoid please don't judge
@new2_this, breast milk is good at room temp for 8-10 hrs, refrigerator for 24 hrs, freezer attached to your fridge 3 months and deep freeze 6 months. At least this is what I remember.
i would possibly call your doctors office and explain the whole issue to one of the on call nurses/ doctors and see what they say because to me that seems kinda high... and i would take notes and then if they say its bad go to the er and tell them what the nurse/dr said and when you go back to your normal dr you can tell him what the er doc said... @cmasat4
well things seem ok if you felt her move depending on how far you are... im 22 weeks and sometimes i feel her and sometimes i dont for 2-3 days... if you are still unsure call your doctor and tell him your fears he might tell you to come in and he'll look for the heart beat... you might even get an u/s @momof22be
Yay! Drama free help :-D I do have a question tho. I started out 5'1 125 pounds. I'm now 150 pounds. I still have 17 1/5 weeks left- how can I slow down on weight? I know I have to gain weight for the baby- but I really don't want to overgain. I eat pretty helathy-cheating with the good snacks sometimes, and walk my dog daily, but I don't need to gain so much weight- Anything I can do to slow this down and make it more sensible? ps. thanks ladies! you always make this site so much better :X
I have a q about bottles for breast feeding. Starting to register at stores and found it is sooo much more difficult than when my son was born..(seven yrs ago.) Anyone know which is best for breastfeeders??
Brown blood, I've heard, is just old blood flushing out. Some people have even had blood clots pass and had okay babies. So don't panic, don't stress.
ER doctors have to know a little about everything, so they aren't usually specialists. If you heard the heartbeat after, maybe that ER doc just didn't know much about pregnancy. You will likely be told to take it easy and maybe be put on bed rest.
On a side note, my mom had regular periods for 4 months when she had my brother. She didn't realize she was pregnant until almost 6 months down the line.
When I went back for a follow up visit that doc wanted me to come in every week until he seen the heart beat. But the hcg levels more then quadrupled so I figured baby was growing..
Think they will give me another u.s? I kinda think they might..
@isaiahnjocelynsmommy oh hun im sorry i didnt mean it that way!!! i thought you were asking if i needed help... but you are more than welcome to comment on peoples questions if you know the answer!!! i made this tread because i was sick of having to weed through the drama!! im soooo sorry that i wrote that wrong yesterday!! please forgive me!! i really didnt realize that was how you would take it... :O
My concern is my doctor is invalidating the possibility of a problem because of how far she believes I am, which I believe is off anyway?! What should I do?
well things seem ok if you felt her move depending on how far you are... im 22 weeks and sometimes i feel her and sometimes i dont for 2-3 days... if you are still unsure call your doctor and tell him your fears he might tell you to come in and he'll look for the heart beat... you might even get an u/s @momof22be
@jbandno3 thanks i didnt know that...