single and sad

edited April 2011 in Single moms
I'm 30 and just found out that I'm pregnant. I'm 10 weeks and high risk. I was on bc and wasn't trying. I sleept with 2 men around the time I got pregnant. I was honest with both and told them the whole story. Both have not been so supportive and are pushing towards abortion. I believe everyone has a right to choose and I'm chosing to keep it. This will be my 2nd child and I am currently raising my 1st alone. I knw I can do it. Its just hard to handle and tiered of feeling the pressure to abort the baby.


  • Don't worry about the baby's daddy. You'vr done it before you can do it again. Don't let them pressure you. Its your baby too and in the end it is completely your decision. Stay strong and take care of yourself. If you need to talk we're here for on here :-)
  • ^:)^ You're going to do and be Super Mom!!! Big Hugs!!!
  • I'm proud of u for being honest with the men but at the same time its ur choice 2 keep the baby. I just feel like if the men are straight up telling u their not helping u then don't expect them 2. Ur the one who has 2 live with ur decision & I think its awsome 2 give the baby a chance 2 have a good life. I always feel like u never know what ur killing when u get an abortion so hi5 to u!! Good luck.
  • Im basically in the same place as you minus the first child. Im 30 yrs old as well. The farther waited until I was around 13 weeks to mention abortion. He never calls me. Only txt occasionally and im in the Hopsital!!! He lives 5 hours away and I only knew him for a month b4 getting Preg.
  • :( I'm sorry. Men suck sometimes.
  • Thanks everyone for the support. I really needed it to. My family has been very supportive but don't quite understand.
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