Dream of having a kitten...0_o....???

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I had a dream last night I gave birth to a kitten...it was a boy and somehow a little pup was there too....the kitten was very fiesty toward everyone including the father...ok I remember my boyfriend taking the pup into to hair salon and basically leaving him on the floor and going in the back...so I left kitty in the car to go get him..when I came back outside the kitten noticed the pup and almost attacked us both. ..lol I feared getting back in that car....this was so wierd anyone else ever had a wierd dream :-S


  • I had a kitten dream too. That I gave birth to a kitten then my husband took it and left me and said I couldn't see the baby ( it then turned into a baby) wierd
  • Lol...this little kitten was so mean though :-ss very aggresive I wonder if this is a sign..
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  • I had a dream that my male cat had kittens.. haha..
  • Hey be grateful for your kitten baby. It could have been much uglier and bigger. ;-)
  • I had a dream my baby was a black lab puppy lol
  • I had a dream I gave birth to my daughter and she was the size of a Barbie then my husband was holding her and she normal size then.I was breastfeeding her and was the size of a 1 yr old and talking back to me..I was like you were just born like 2 hours ago. What's up with all this attitude??? Lmao
  • My sil and I both had dreams that we gave birth to a kitten and we both were pregnant with boys.
  • @PebblesMommy lol youre right...
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