just now getting sick at 14 weeks?!?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Im due october 15th. I've only been sick twice my first trimester, an now since I've rolled into my second I've been starting to get sick.
What could it be? And is any other moms feeling the same thing?


  • ME! I'm sooo mad. Mine started around 17 weeks and it's still there (I'm 21 weeks monday).
  • Yup.. Me too am 11 weeks going on to 12 n am more sick then I was at the beginning! It feels horrible! I was like good, I am havve a good pregnancy but now am going from feeling good to feelinv nausras every damn day all day!
  • N tiredless, I sleep from more than 10 hours n am still sleepy mid afyernoon
  • Taty- im the sane way! Its horriable. It seemed so calm an peaceful till it can to 12 weeks. Ughhh. Lol I hope you get better anhope all goes well for you!
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