completely miserable !!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
so I have sciactica and I cant walk or move it pretty much feels like im paralayzed . but i do have question is it normal for the pain to go from your back all the way around to your lower stomach and theb
n back round . it feels lik the painis going in circles . somebody help please . this is horrible . oh and now its going down both my legs . im miserable .


  • @kenziesmom216 I just posted some tip on another discussion. I was having problems as well and was told it was that but I kinda thing mine was just a muscle cramp. But you can try the things I tried if you want. The discussion was call something like hip pain. I can mention you in it so its easy to find.
  • Sorry its called does anyone get pain in their butt and what is it and why
  • are you sure it's all from the same source and not pain in multiple places?
  • @magcaw idk if its all from the same source sure does feel like it . im so confused . it jus hurts so bad . ive tried everything and nothing helps . what do you think it could be if you dont mind me asking .
  • I was thinking maybe multiple nerves being effected. I had horrible sciatica with my last pregnancy and went to a physical therapist. She gave me lots of exercises to do and it helped a lot. Using a heating pad was also very helpful for me. It's common for sciatica to go through your butt and down your legs (though there's more than one nerve in that area that can cause similar pains), but I personally have never heard of it going around your stomach (I'm not an expert, though, lol). Have you spoken to your doctor?
  • @macgaw i have an appt on friday so im going to ask her . and if you dont mind me asking what exercises did you do ?
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