numb fingers?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I know some people have told me its normal. But for a week now three fingers on my right hand have been numb. Its compteley numb at night and I often wake up because of it. But even dueing the day I have the numbness and nothing will get rid of it and I use my hands all day so I thoufht the circulation would be good through out my hand. Anyone else have this issue?


  • Which fingers?
  • My thumb index and middle finger. Those are the only ones. I can feel a little bit of it in the palm of my hand too where the thumb and index connect
  • I think that's a sign of carpal tunnel.
  • How the heck is that considered normal? :/ do you think a nerve got pinched somehow?
  • I dunno my aunt says it comes with pregnancy and she's a ultrasound tech so she works with a lot of prwggy woman. I asked a few friends and they said that they have had numb fingers and hands. I was scared someone would say carpal tunnel! I type on a comp for at least two hrs a day and the rest of the time I'm merchandising product. Blah I hope its nothing too serious.
  • They mention it in the pregnancy books
  • My mom had numb fingers for 3 months while preggo with all 8.of her pregnancies.
  • Holy wow....O.O! Its been a week and I'm already dying trying to do anything to gwt the feeling back. 3 months and I would have shyt a brick.
  • If its the outer two fingers, pinky and ring, its because the nerve under your bra strap is being pinched because of heavy boobs. I did have a friend (not pregnant)who works with her hands continuously, and the cartilage between her thumb and her wrist basically disentigrated from overuse. It was really painful for her and she had to get cortisone shots in her hands. But yours doesn't sound like that.

    You could get a brace for your hand/wrist and see if it helps. My husband and I both had to use one after our daughter was born. Our arms would go numb from carrying her so much ;)
  • Mine feel that way too sometimes. And sometimes I'll have a sudden pain or like stinging feeling and wont be able to move it for like a minute as if its paralyzed.
  • I have carpal tunnel and you would notice it during the day in your wrists. The numbness in your fingers is normal.
  • Get a brace to wear while you sleep and drink a lot of water. Carpal tunnel in pregnancy is often from water retention making everything swell up. Drinking extra may not help, but it certainly can't hurt. :) It should go away after pregnancy, but it may not--mine went away (thankfully), my sister's didn't.
  • This is normal! Yeaaaa just another pregnancy I had the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter. Its called pregnancy carpal tunnel. Its normal and it will go away after pregnancy.
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