
edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
we went saturday to find out we are having a little boy.. (: so excited. But she told me my placenta is low and anterior. Does it move during pregnancy? She said it doesnt hurt the baby but I just wonder if it affects feeling movement or kicks. Anyone else know?


  • It can move yes hun, they were letting you know because if it moves lover, you may have placental previa which means your placenta will cover up your cervix or part of it, so you would have to have a c-section. Im not sure if it has any effect on kicks though, id ask your doctor if you are concerned. :) congrats hun and good luck!
  • Yeah, it can effect how well you can feel the baby moving around. But only until he gets bigger, then you'll feel it regardless.
  • I have the same thing, doc said it won't affect how I feel the kicks, only other people! But my hubby feels it all the time so it just depends on your baby and how hard they're kicking!!!
  • K thank you ladies I appreciate it (:
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  • K thank you!
  • I have marginal placenta previa and I felt kicks around 20 weeks and didn't find out I had MPP until I was about 25 weeks. Im naw 33 weeks and my placenta still hasn't moved.
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