determining the sex!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Will they be able to tell me the sex at my first trimester screen? I will be 11w 4d


  • I am wondering the same thing
  • Nope thats a little too early. Girl parts and boy parts still look the same.
  • i doubt it. baby is still too tiny then
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  • It's hard for drs to give their opinion at that point because the babys look the same just about, but you can always try out the angle of the dangle theory! :)
  • edited April 2011
    I believe it to early I got minds at 12 weeks 5 days and they were right with the sex. The ultrasound tech said usually 12 weeks for boy and 13 for girls u can tell it also all depends. U should just ask never hurts to
  • It depends on the technician. At 12 weeks the sex is visible. I had.twins 3 years ago, I found out at 12 weeks my baby A was a boy. Baby B was hiding so we had to wait until 16 weeks to find out he was a boy too
  • Thanks ladies! Im not a patient person and just wanna know already!!!
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