How Do You American Mums Do It?!



  • I love military health insurance. No copay and prescriptions are no more than $9.
  • Wit the medicaid i have if you get more than 5 prescriptions a month you have to pay out of pocket for them.
  • @salsabia we are paying $600+ a month out of pocket plus they aren't covering a test my Midwife says I have to take twice a week until I have the baby. So not only are we paying the deductible but 2 additional copays every week in addition to the $600 a month and $500 maternity deductible. We would have saved money to do a homebirth without any insurance whatsoever
  • Wow, I've never really thought about that. I'm in the UK and its just so easy. If I'm ill I go to the docs and now I'm pregnant I don't even pay prescriptions or dentist. It sounds really expensive over there x x
  • I have medicaid and health first. One pays for what ever the other doesnt.
  • I have medicaid. you can have it when your not pregnant also. There is no copay and if ur primary insurance has a copay medicaid pays it for u. So whatever ur.primary won't cover medicaid does. But there is a 2$ copay on medication which isn't bad at all especially since I'm a college student. If you think american insurance and healthcare is horrible try living in mexico! It was rediculous when I lived there.
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  • @blissmarie23 wow!! I thought I have it bad. Im just glad I have medicaid also. I didn't have a job when I got Preg so was able to get medicaid first. The doctors office never asks for my copay. Idk why. Im hoping I don't get a bill from them one day. The hospital sent me a letter saying my ambulance ride from one hospital to the one im at now is $600 but they are trying to get bluecross to pay it. I could have laid down in the back seat of a car for free!!
  • The NHS is the only good thing about this country.. couldn't imagine myself living somewhere without it if I'm honest
  • I am 19 years old and I have already spent 2,600 dollars on this pregnancy and I am covered under 2 insurances...none of this makes sense to me....I still live at home and I can't get wic because my dad makes too dad is not paying for my child I am...its all so frustrating to me...
  • @salsabia you have to pay for an ambulance ride? Bloody hell! What would you do in an emergency?
  • @Mama_Kat i am only getting medicaid because i am pregnant. I wouldn't qualify for it if i wasn't because we have private insurance. My kids still do because of income levels.
  • I think in the US the reason insurance is so confusing is there are so many choices. If there was just one set up it would be better. Non of this 20% copay, deductable, pay $40 every vist ect.... just pick one deductable or copay to many options. Also eveyone alway compares what they have to see what is better not relizeing each plann is so diffrent. And as far as medicade you just go to the website see if you quilfy and talk to you case handle about what doctors are availbale in your area.
  • Oh I am only 26 weeks and this pregnancy is exciting but freaking expensive
  • my oldest is 6 and has epilepsy and is autistic medicaid pays for everything including her monthly meds that exceed $700 a month. my youngest is on it to, but they didnt approve me for pregnancy care. :( (very sad since once the baby comes they will cover him/her too)
    I dont have to pay any deductibles, or copays at the doctors office or pharmacy. We live in kansas and got a choice which plan under kansas healthwave to participate in. there was 3 diffrent choices. the normal is very limited in who you can see and what they pay but the other two choices are much more open.
  • edited April 2011
    @MummyNumber3 I hope I don't have to pay it. The letter said not to send any money yet. The are trying to get insurance to pay it. I hope they do. The ride was so bouncy and rough it could have broke my water. I would have been better off in a car. My bag of water is bulging out due to incompetent cervix.
  • @baby_bump i agree. With my husbands work we don't have a choice of insurance. We have to take whatever company they contract. And he is required to have insurance with the type of job he has.
  • Im actually in school for healthcare administration before I start grad school. I completely understand how everything currently works. I am a huge supporter of the healthcare reform law that just got passed but right now many in congress and the supreme ct are trying to get overturned. With the reform ALL citizens are required to purchase health insurance but in a competitive market instead of the current healthcare market.
    however Medicaid income guidelines will change so many more will be covered under Medicaid. For those that aren't covered by Medicaid, they will get discount rates on the insurance they choose. For example, if u r just out of the Medicaid range u will get over 90% of costs covered. In my case, a family of 4 would need income over$90,000 to not qualify for some assistance. Medicaid would still cover us with an income of$ 36,000
    most don't realize that the price for insurance would generally go way down so overall its a good thing bc then taxes aren't going to cover uninsurered individuals that meet hospital assistance bc there wouldn't be a need for hospital assistance anymore.
    The supreme court is trying to rule that the law is unconstitutional bc it mandates the purchase of insurance
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  • Some people seem to think that if we get healthcare like the kind that's available in England and Canada, we'd be Nazis. Ugh...
  • I paid for my own insurance til 18 weeks of pregnancy then lost my job and insurance so now im on medicaid and ive enjoyed it more since ive been on it. dont have to pay anything and I like this dr way more than the dr I was paying for.. and on the insurance I paid for, u only got so many ultrasounds so they wasnt giving me one til I was 20 weeks but Iknew ppl with medicaid that was getting them early in their pregnancy. it pissed me off cuz im getting treated so much better on medicaid then I was on insurance I paid for.. doesnt make much sense
  • I have insurance through my job. My husband just gets individual insurance through an insurance company. My insurance sucks though
  • When I had my daughter I was only on my mothers insurance, which was amazing. Yes, I spent a few thousand to have prenatal care, and for delivery, but what I shouldve paid without insurance was a niceee ten thou... That I obviously did not have. The county I live in is not a waiver county so I cant use medicaid fully w/ a doctor, I shouldve had to see a midwife (i refuse to unless its my only option) I found a doc thay accepts medicaid as a secondary so I got lucky, ill also be able to deliver my son at the same hospital as my daughter. Its an amazing hospital (bc its private I guess) they provide everything for baby (even enough premade bottles for weeks after birth) they give the nother a care package for the hospital stay and enough for recovery at home (dermoplast, epifoam etc) they give the parents a delicioussss steak supper the night before you are released... Not to mention its got some extremely niceee rooms. Talking about it makes me anxious for L&D :)
  • @jmask nothing should be based off ur fathers income. You and ur child r ur own household within his household and the only thing they need to consider is ur income. U don't need to provide them with any info but ur own. When I had my first child I was living at home and only had a small income and they told me to base everything off my income and my info. Sometimes u have to be sly and work the system just like they try to get over on us. You should qualify for medicaid title XX when ur baby gets here and wic. Each case worker will tell u something diffderent so try getting a new one to talk to. Good luck with everything :)
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  • I love the NHS!
    I'd be in shit-street if we had to pay for our healthcare :-ss
  • I'm from the US and don't have to "Think twice" about going to the doctor. I pay for my own insurance. Dont know what is confusing about it??
  • edited April 2011
    I dont qualify for government assistance. Hubby pays 300 a month for premium insurance coverage. We have blue cross blue shield. With pregnancy they pick up 85 percent of the bill. 100 percent post natal and all newborn visits and immunizations are covered but everything from contacts to dermatologist..chiropractors etc are also on our plan and they cover 85-100% of that. We pay 20 a month to Aetna for dental and evrything is 80-100% covered up to 2000 per person a year so paying 240 dollars a year will get me our two kids and hubby each 2k worth of work done. Let me add I used to have medicaid and there is a hugeeee difference of how you are treated when going to the dr/ER
  • @luvbump im covered by bluecross to
    Im on my moms insurance im happy to have it. :-)
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