Bed rest?

edited April 2011 in High risk pregnancy
hi ladies. Just wondering if anyone had been on bed rest? Home or hospital? How long? And what for? Also are you high risk and why?

my doctors have put me on restrictions throughout this pregnancy and are constantly discussing bed rest with me.


  • I'm on bedrest at home I'm now 22wks I was order bedrest at 16wks after going into preterm labor so after tests he found my me to have incompetent cervix, he den say I was high risk
  • I have been on bedrest for about a month so far, I am thirty weeks now. I have had to do bedrest with all four of my babies so far :(. All of mine have ben preemies so far at 31, 32, and 34 weeks. Hopefully this one will bake a little longer... They don't know why I deliever early either, my water just breaks at a certaim point :/
  • Im on bed rest since week 6. I have an ic so in a few weeks ill have da cerclage done and continue to be on bedrest. Last pregnancy I was stuck in da hospital thank God im at home so far
  • Yes, I have to see a high risk ob too
  • Wat do you have to do when you are put on bed rest. Do you have to actually lay in the bed?
  • Thank you all for sharing. I've been ordered NOT to work, no bending and no lifting. I'm considered high risk cuz my son was born at 29wks with placenta abruption in 05 and I lost a baby in feb 09. So far I haven't been hospitalized but its been threatened. I just switched drs at 22 weeks, my dr before told me all these precautions that they'd take and plans, but my high risk dr doesn't take a lot of time or explain things. Its a clinic I have healthy start ins.
  • Oh and I'm 30 weeks this week, and I'm to start bed rest at home
  • @teemommy2 I have the cerclage as well how far are you??
  • Im on bedrest at home. Been on it since March 19 and won't come off until I deliver. I have something called marginal placenta previa and I started bleeding. Even though it has stopped they don't want to take any chances. I can't have sex, no baths just showers and no lifting not even my 2yr old son. Ugh
  • @kcoolzchic Did you bleed heavily? How did they know you had this, by U.S?
  • I've been on bed rest since march 7th hopefully get an all clear to go back to work tomorrow. I had subchorionic hemorraging. I can't do the whole bed rest for whole pregnancy i'm to much of a busy body.
  • @ExcitedForOctober yea they found this via ultrasound when I was about 22 weeks and said that it could correct itself but im now 33 weeks and since nothing has changed by now that it isn't going to change. I had to have a c-section either way. The first day I bleed like a period and it cleared up in 4 days. They had me in the hospital on bedrest for four days and then was released to go home on complete bedrest. I been seeing my doctor once a week since that happen and I have to go to fetal monitoring twice a week.
  • @kcoolzchic I'm sorry to hear. glad to hear that they caught it to moniter you tho. Are they having you carry to the full 40 wks
  • @Seifer12211 Thanks a lot. I'm going to have my baby at 39 weeks because my doctor is leaving town for a week. My due date is June 8 but she scheduled my c-section for June 1. She leaves on June 1 after she delivers my baby to go to a doctors convention.
  • @kcoolzchic do you have any other kids our is this your first
  • @teemommy2 Ook good luck I'm 22wks almost 23 now glad I'm almost near my ending point whoo.
  • @Seifer12211 I have a son that just made 2 in March. I didn't have any complications with him. I carried him to 40 weeks/5 days and they broke my water. I had to have a c-section with him because I wasn't dialating. Other than that I had a perfect pregnancy.
  • @allymamaof4 awe do you mind mgr asking how long your babies were in NICU
  • @Seifer12211 you should ask your doctor to give you the shot to help mature the baby lungs just incase you did go in early. When I was in the hospital they gave me the two doses to help mature the babies lungs.
  • @kcoolzchic I had the shot with my son 6 yrs ago. I was in hospital for 6 days before i hemmorhaged (sp) and he was in nicu for 7 wks. I get the lungs shot next monday. My dr does have me go weekly so that's coming up. I'm glad to hear u had no probs with your son. And from what I remember nicu drs sayin is that by 34 weeks a baby wont be in nicu long if it happens. May I ask how you can properly do bedrest @ home especially with kids. My first official bedrest day is today and I have my son to get to school and such. Sorry trying to get as much info as I can
  • @blackbarbie10 good for u...i cant wait til im halfway thru. I have to be seen every 2wks and I hope my time fly by. I find out when I have my cerclage tomorrow I want to get dat ova wit cause im a bit nervous about it.
  • edited April 2011
    @Seifer12211 my son is 2 so he isn't in school yet and has never been to daycare. I don't leave the house unless im going to the doctor. He is very independent so I don't have to pick him up or anything like that. I'll sit on the bed or couch and play with him. It's not too hard. Im stubborn so I do tend to pick him up from time to time. It's impossible not to. I let him climb on the couch and I holf him. I don't bend over to pick him up. Just follow your doctors orders and things will go great with your pregnancy. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask because I don't mind answering them. It's not like I have somewhere to go. Lol Your going to get tired of being on bedrest at first but after two or three weeks you will be able to handle it a little better. I just hate depending on people. Im not even allowed to clean up, etc. Now that's absurd. I do it anyway.
  • Cerclage is when they sew ur cervix right? @teemommy2
  • @kcoolzchic lol on the absurd :) I've been on restriction all pregnancy. I'm due june 30th or 20th, they change it like every 2 wks /:-) so my hubby yells if he comes home from work n the trash is changed, floors swept dishes or laundry done.. Lol not mean but concerned. Today tho he told me if he catches me not resting he'll call my mom or gma to come babysit me, or tell the doc how bad I have pain so I'm trying to behaive. He actually got a lot done but I feel bad cuz he works 55-70 hrs a week... So that'll be hard. And we have a lot of steps at my house- to come and leave, kitchen downstairs bathroom up so.... Have u found anyone u can really depend on?
  • The 2nd smiley face is supposed to be a mad face
  • I was on bed rest for a month after some cramping and bleeding now I am on light duty.I was told I almost had a miscarriage I have a stressed/irritated uterus and I need to lower my stress levels. I was 8 weeks and Now I am on light duty at 13 weeks for another week. During that time I started a blog for my baby. It kept me entertained When TV wouldn't and my bf also got mad at me for doing stuff.
  • edited April 2011
    @Seifer12211 lol at your hubby. June 20 is my birthday. Yeah I can depend on my boyfriend. We live together but he is store manager at both of his jobs and he is barely home. When he is here he try to help as much as he can. My mommy also comes by and does my laundry, etc once a week. It sucks because I had to down size my baby shower and I have to do it at my moms house or at my house. Instead of me inviting about 75 people im only inviting 20. I just dont want 75 people in my house and it won't be enough room anyway.
  • @kcoolzchic that's sweet of ur mama. My mom has to take care of my gma cuz she broke her leg and it won't heal, my dad has his own business n his gf lives far, and my other grandparents are sweet but I'd feel guilty asking. And my MIL is banned from contacting us (hubby's request). So its just us. Omgoodness bout baby shower I didnt even think of that.

    @samantha do they know exactly what is wrong
  • @teemommy2 aww..I wasput to sleep so I den feel anything and Wen I woke up I wasn't n any pain...I been doing great after the cerclage..y do I have to have the cerclage??
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