Due sept 13



  • That message was pending since april on my phone... however I am 100% certain she is a girl! Been a shopping fool lately!
  • Im due sept. 18th with a girl, my first baby. I knew it was a girl since the beginning and I was told at 12 weeks it was a girl. Then 100% on Monday. thats the first thing they saw was her legs wide open like she was sitting on a seat. Too funny... Shes got her daddys eyes, nose and my lips... Hes excited, his bday is sept. 13th... He wants her to come on his bday... He may get his wish, shes head first...
  • I found out it's a boy thursday but when we tried when I was 18 weeks he kept his legs closed this time he gave us the finger in the ultrasound. We shook our heads.
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