miscarriage dreams

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I keep dreamin about havin a miscarriage. Is it a sign or just those pregnancy dreams u get. Im really worried about it. Everyday i panic incase it does come true. I dnt want it to. X


  • I've read all sorts of things on here about crazy prego dreams.. I'm 14 weeks & had my first one a few nights ago. It was a miscarriage dream. Maybe from reading and talking about miscarriages on here could be why? I'm not sure, but I seem to be a bit more paranoid now when my stomach cramps, even though I know cramps are totally normal.
  • I know im the same. I totally freak out when i get a cramp an run t the toilet t make sure im not bleedin. Im sure everything will b ok but these dreams r scary i didnt have these kinda dreams with my first pregnancy it was more labour dreams.
  • Well this is my first pregnancy & I'm not exactly scared/worried.. just a bit more careful & pay attention to my cramps more to make sure they're nothing serious. I've also talked to a lot of ladies on here about miscarriages & read a lot on here.. maybe I'm just having the paranoid mommy instinct lol
  • -I have had 2 miscarriages.. so I'm sooooo nervous now. I have had several bad dreams.. but I think that's just the mom in us!!!!! BTW its a girl and we are 18 weeks and pretty much in the clear for mc *fingers crossed* but I still worry and still have those dreams.
  • Omg I feel the same way its scary :(
  • Same here I've had dreams that I have my baby & then a little later after she is born she passes away. I hate it I've had that dream several times. :(
  • I have those dreams too and i wake up scared :(
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