so i told the bd today...

edited April 2011 in Single moms
That im pregnant. Im going to be 10 weeks on Thursday. He freaked out. Keeps trying to get me to get an abortion. Hates the fact that im telling him no. He says "its. Your body, your decision". Yet he's pushing me to just get the problem fixed. Like its a f*ing simple fix! Im so sad, i miss him but im staying strong and keeping by my decision of keeping it. Any other ladies have this problem too? What was your outcomes in the end?


  • I had a friend have the same thing happen and her bd has finally come around to the idea and is actually getting excited.
  • how long have u known?.. we wasnt together when I told him but in no way did he try to get me to have a abortion, he has been there from the beginning even though we cant work it out. im sorry he is being like that towards u but that baby will make u happier than he ever did..
  • @Ittybitty I have known since i was 6 weeks. I knew he was going to do this. But i was hoping if he knew i much farther then he wouldn't push it. This happened 3 years ago and i agreed to do it. My biggest regret ever. And that's why i wont now. He's trying to bribe me and say things. But i wont budge. I even left his house tonight bc all he wants to do is fight. So im at my moms watching tv alone and wising things were better. We are always together and being away is hard, but im not going to let him bully me.
  • im so sorry uve had to be bullied into doing that.. the father of my baby is a jerk but he would NEVER ask me r anyone to get a abortion. he says thats his child already and that would b like killing one of his kids he has now. it really bothers me when I read that men actually do this to woman.. ughh.. im glad ur standing up against him and doing what u want.. u can do it and dont need him. maybe he'll have a change of heart when he see's that ur keeping that baby no matter how he feels.
  • The same thing happened to me after a week or two he realized he was being immature apologized and started getting really excited about it :) hopefully same will happen to you :)
  • Me and my bd aren't together. He wanted me to fix it too. And we already have a kid together i told me no. Then he threated to move out but he is still paying me rent. Maybe he will come around maybe not. But i don't have the energy to stress over it.
  • edited April 2011
    Well I mean the bd and I aren't together either but he came around to the idea of having a baby.. at first he was horrible to me like I almost got a restraining order against him but give him time and space and hopefully he'll come around
  • You are a very strong woman and can handle it he will come around and if not then you will still have your beautiful baby that will love you for the decision you have made
  • Stay strong mama. I know what you are going through. Just remember that this baby is ultimately yours. He doesn't carry the baby nor does he have the choice. If he wants out of the responsibilty it wasn't meant for him to damage the baby. Just hang in there and never do what he wants just because. Even if it gets tough. My bd is an ass and he upsets me but in the end I know this baby is my daughter. Him being around is a priviledge he earns through me. I am here if you need me.
  • Any Guy that tries to talk a mom into killing his kid is scum in my eyes I'm sorry. You will be fine doing it without him I promise. My first daughters dad is a dead beat and even though we were together till she was one, he wasn't around. He was to busy making other babies. He still doesn't recognize her. She is the biggest blessing ever along with the new baby.

    You are strong and you don't need him. If he wants out let him. At least you are cutting your losses now. This baby will make you even stronger and show you life you never knew existed :)
  • My friend got pressured into an abortion, and now she can't have kids. A very rare thing, but not something she can ever take back or fix and I know she wanted to keep it. Stay strong, he just might come around, and if he doesn't you have to know you held true to your decision and are very strong for doing so!!!
  • My bd was the same way when I had my first nd we where young both 18 nd he was pushing me to get abortion nd I said no u should've thought about tht when u weren't using protection he was made nd stressed out for about 2 wks nd finally came around when he seen his u/s pic now we are expecting our 2nd nd I asked him could u see ur life with out ur son he says no nd realizes he was wrong nd is so happy our son is goin to be a big brother to his lil sister in 10 days...nd our relationship isn't perfect but our kids mean everything to us nd thts y we fight to keep it strong...keep ur head up hun all first time dads are like tht, they jst need apace nd time to realize the need to grow up nd step up to the plate..its not about them anymore its about their child...I'm sure everything will work out nd if it doesn't jst know ur bby love u nd is the only one tht can feel ur heart nd feel beat from the ur bby nd urself no matter Wht..good luck nd keep us posted =]
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  • Please don't listen to him... you'll regret it. I can tell you want this child so kick him to the curb if need be because if he truly loved you he would never ask you to do that. A real man wouldn't try to do what he's doing. Good luck mama!
  • Also first time dads are NOT all like that... my boyfriend was so excited when we found out and would have never in a million years even think about having an abortion or forcing me to. Please don't let this coward talk you into something you will regret.
  • Thank you so muchladies! And trust me, im not going to let him talk me into it. I made my decision and its final. He thinks im ruining my life away when in reality he doesn't want his life ruined. Im staying strong tho! Its hard, but in the end it will get better. All your kind words make me stronger too! I wish the best to all you ladies too. The ones with the fathers there and the ones that aren't. :X
  • @MommaMoon ... noone, including your bd should be puching you into that. It is your body, so it is your choice... as cliche as that sounds.

    If he was "man enough" to sleep with you, he should be man enough to 'man up' and handle the consequences.

    Hopefulyl eventually he will realize how lucky he is to have such 'a problem'

    chin up... ;)
  • My bf was acting the same way in the beginning, some men just get scared and dont knoe how to react. Now he is there and excited we are having a baby boy! Maybe he will open his eyes, just give it a little time and give him time away from u to miss you and so he can realize what a mistake hes making. It worked for me and believe me it was SOOO hard to be away from him for those couple of weeks.
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