@mommyof4girls I have jinxed myself that all morning sickness was gone...luckily I was able to take the day off. I'm feeling a lil better but at 5 this morning I was miserable
@josie749@mommyof4girls **UPDATE** pelvic pain explained! My darlings are BOTH head down (with tons of hair) and Draven is. 5 lbs and miss Lyla is 4lbs 11 oz (give or take). Big babies pushing on my bones. Lol but they are perfect so I can handle it
@garagebandfan. I don't know if there are any specific sign but my first u/s was internal at 9wks and it was because my blood test came back showing extremely high hcg levels which my doc said suggested multiples. My second little bundle of joy was hiding but the doc found him/her and I have two little precious ones on the way. Did you have an internal u/s when the doc checked you for twins? Sounds like your hcg levels are the opposite of the norm but God has many blessings in store so maybe He's just waiting for the right time to show you your twins. Sorry I couldn't be more help but good luck!
@Mrsstanley_x2 yay!! How exciting!! They're both head down AND their weight is great! Congrats! That means vaginal delivery!! Is that what you're going for? I've been praying for both my babies to be head down by my due date cause I really really dont want a csection. Im so happy for you!!
@josie749 thank you so much! Yes I was terrified they were going to stay breech and my ONLY option was a c section. But I did a little happy baby bump dance on the sonogram table when he showed me. Lol I hope your babies follow suit and turn head down, too!!
@mrsstanley_x2 lol thats really wonderful!! Now you know that all the pain and pressure you've been going thru is well worth it that will give you the strength till the end....and thank you I hope they do!
@mrsstanley_x2 How exciting! My girls are both head down too! That could be a contributing factor. I go again tomorrow for all my stinky tests! I hope you have your babies soon like 2-3 wks! They are great sizes already! Mine are kinda small still. They get weighed/measured again next tues.
@twinmamatobe I hope you feel better. I randomly still get that nauseous feeling. It's the twins. They are bigger and push up more. And make the acids come up. It's terrible sometimes. Im praying for all my mommy friends.
@mommyof4girls I'm good now about to start on a big plate of nachos watch some reality tv and be on pregly too! Me too, I'm loving all the twin mommies that I am getting to know
@mommyof4girls seeing them again makes it even more real that they will be here soon! Yay I'm glad your girls are head down, too! Good luck on your tests tomorrow, just keep thinking about the fact you will have 2 beautiful angels soon!
How exciting! My girls are both head down too! That could be a contributing factor. I go again tomorrow for all my stinky tests! I hope you have your babies soon like 2-3 wks! They are great sizes already! Mine are kinda small still. They get weighed/measured again next tues.
I hope you feel better. I randomly still get that nauseous feeling. It's the twins. They are bigger and push up more. And make the acids come up. It's terrible sometimes. Im praying for all my mommy friends.
Good! Hope they were good! I wanted nachos last night! But I didnt get them. I did get my buffalo chicken salad tonight though. Yum!
I know I love seeing them so often. I just want them already! I can't wait to hug them and feed them and just have my babies home!