


  • Oh and the country fair outside of Eugene is epic. People from all over the country come there. I have to say most stoners are the nicest people. Lol I have a cat named stoney. We can guess where she got that name. That cat is huge like Garfield and lazy and old now
  • to the ca ladies... Have u ever been to the cannabis cup comp?
  • Ikay, to celebrate..... Who can remember the first time u ever smoked?
  • I have to say to all of you that are not celebrating 420 the way you used to, you all are very loving moms and your babies thank you :) keep it up ladies
  • lol@Proudmama
  • My first was with my bff at the time. She about killed me. Handed me a bong and told me to suck as hard as i could! Needless to say, i dont like bongs! I preferred to roll up a swisher! Babies r worth givin it up thpugh! Congrats to all stoner mommies, weed is not the easiest thing to give up, specially with all the m/s! Great job ladies!
  • @victoriab I live in WA too and sadly wont be going to hempfest this year either :( im due august 24th so I definitely wont be waddling around Meryl Edwards lol. And I want to let ya ladies know pot doesn't hurt your baby at all. It's the smoking of the product that is harmful, edibles are ok. There's been no evidence pot causes any problems in a fetus or the child once they are older developmentally wise. Look up the study done for over 6 years in the carribean. Its very informative cuz its the most accurate study done on marijuana and affects on a child in utero. Im not trying to start a debate just wanted to share some knowledge :) happy 420 mama's!
  • Its a important hoilday to all that surround me in these neck of the woods :) (SoCali) but I am smoke free :) I hate the thought of smoking out my little unborn baby. I sure as hell wouldn't be getting him/her high after their born so I think im going to have to sit this year out...I got more important things to handle ;)
  • @victoriab I live in WA too and sadly wont be going to hempfest this year either :( im due august 24th so I definitely wont be waddling around Meryl Edwards lol. And I want to let ya ladies know pot doesn't hurt your baby at all. It's the smoking of the product that is harmful, edibles are ok. There's been no evidence pot causes any problems in a fetus or the child once they are older developmentally wise. Look up the study done for over 6 years in * Jamaica . Its very informative cuz its the most accurate study done on marijuana and affects on a child in utero and it follows the children till the age of 5 or 6. Im not trying to start a debate just wanted to share some knowledge :) happy 420 mama's!
  • @victoriab I live in WA too and sadly wont be going to hempfest this year either :( im due august 24th so I definitely wont be waddling around Meryl Edwards lol. And I want to let ya ladies know pot doesn't hurt your baby at all. It's the smoking of the product that is harmful, edibles are ok. There's been no evidence pot causes any problems in a fetus or the child once they are older developmentally wise. Look up the study done for over 6 years in * Jamaica . Its very informative cuz its the most accurate study done on marijuana and affects on a child in utero and it follows the children till the age of 5 or 6. Im not trying to start a debate just wanted to share some knowledge :) happy 420 mama's!
  • Oh man sorry about that my phone is glitching I only meant to re post it once cuz I added something :)
  • @pregnantlettemama
    I was 14 and smoked after school with a guy I liked and a couple of our friends. Didn't start really smoking until 4/20 and I've never gone more than a month sober since I got pregnant.
    I've heard that the smoke is the harmful part, but I don't want to risk anything just in case. Plus my hubby would kill me lol.
  • 420 is usually my 1 day I give in since I quit. My hubby will smoke plenty for me I'm sure. He's a juggalo so yeah, it's kind of a big deal ... LOL
  • Its my 21st birthday nd cant have a drink!! Lol
  • @pregnantlettemama it was 8 years ago with my sister and her bf. He held the pipe she lit the lighter and i cashed the bowl out in one hit! Never did that again! Then i passed out on her floor and took a wonderful nap lol
  • ya'll are funny :P
    iv never tried it..but nothing against it. just my decision.
  • Ok, I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don't have any experience with it so I'll never know if I don't ask... Is second hand pot smoke dangerous like second hand cigarette smoke? Not trying to start anything either! Just a question!!!!
  • Happy 420! I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about what I'm missing. But it could be so much worse.

    And my ultrasound is on Friday, and I'll be 20 weeks! So I still have good thing to look forward to.
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  • Yay for all the mommies not celebrating this year. :)
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  • @almost4 i love smoking on thanksgiving! Mmm thinking about it now makes me crave all that good stuff: )
  • @jellybelly I hope not! I was with my friend who I haven't seen in ages and when she blew out her hit, I leaned forward to take a whiff. My hubby just laughed and called me a stoner. I just went :D But yeah, it doesn't have any nasty chemicals in it unless you get some messed up weed grown with bad fertilizer or sprayed with pesticide or if its sprinkled with cocaine or pcp.
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  • @almost4 aww bummer!! Well leftovers work just as well!!
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  • @almost4 well i hope you have a very fun black Friday!!
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  • Come to colorado: ) you'll b all set
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