
edited April 2011 in Breastfeeding
If u chose to pump how often in a day do u pump?? Or what times?? Im confused about it...


  • I pumped EVERY 2 hours. Even through the night, it's exhausting. I exclusively pumped and fed my baby from a bottle. It was very time consuming!
  • @1_mama_squared okay I was thinking I might do that too but pple look at me like im crazy
  • Yeah, people did the same to me. They kept telling me I was crazy, I was going to regret it... yada, yada, yada! I just felt really uncomfortable putting my baby up to my breast. I didn't want her to sense my hesitation. I know breast is best so I decided just to pump. I don't regret it at all. It was exhausting and time consumingbut worth it. And my hubby was in Iraq so I didn't have help but I managed!! The only trouble I had was that my milk never fully came in which I guess is pretty normal. I made it to 7 weeks but then gave her formula. People stress out soo much about breastfeeding... It's easy to when you don't really know what to expect. Just be calm, go with the flow and be flexible! That's most important. If it works for you, great... if not, no big deal. I'm pregnant with number 2 now and I plan on just pumping again. I have help this time so I'm confident it'll be a little easier! If not, I'm flexible and I'll use formula. No use in stressing out about it! Good luck!!!
  • Thank u @1_mama_squared I am breast feeding wig this baby and it has been easy because my baby and I just know what to do lol
    but I want my bd or mom to be able to feed him too and be able to have some one feed him while o get some sleep
    we will see what happens lol
  • @praying4our3rd hhmmm u would think ur milk last a bit longer with pumping..? Idk lol
  • I did have one person tell me it was because only a baby can up your milk supply, not the pump. I don't think I really believe that, it's basically the same thing. Lol. I really think my issue was my boobs, not the baby vs. pump!! And I was stressed out from my hubby being in Iraq and my daughter was 5 weeks early with a c section... I think my body was just on overload!
  • @1_mama_squared I think the same lol but that is alot ti handle not having ur bd there and c section would suck.
  • Those who pump did you go back to work after you had your baby & how did you go about pumping if you did.
  • When you feel your milk come in you excuse your self and go pump. (You may pump several times a day at work) I couldn't be away from my daughter for more than two hours when I was nursing. She would get crazy hungry or id be busting at the seems
  • You are supposed to breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 weeks, that helps your milk supply to come in and then you can start to pump. At least that is what the book I am reading says.
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  • I have to disagree a bit with @homebirthadvocate I had a preemie. Had him at 28weeks and he was never able to latch on. I began pumping the same day he was born and my milk came in really fast I was able to pump and bottlefeed him my milk for about 6mos. When he was in the NICU I ended up having to freeze some of my milk because I was producing way more than he needed. He never latched to my breast but I never had a problem with my milk supply. If anything I had too much milk lol
  • @Mommy2BeAgain not all women are the same, generally speaking the way that @homebirthadvocate described it is the way it happens. That is awesome that it worked out the way it did for you, it could not have worked any better! :)
  • I'm going to breastfeed to and its hard to see your baby didn't eat all day but under docs supervision its ok ima exclusively breastfeed for a month and a half or 2 bcuz with my last I dried out on supply after a month I was pumping to a nurse told me most of the time that happens u have to try to hold on on the pumping as long ad u can the longer the better but everyones diff so gud luck!! At least u tried :)
  • Here is the absolute best link ever for mommies wanting to pump :) Tells you everything for the best results in milk production.

  • Thought I was the only one. I dont want to actually breastfeed either. I rather pump exclusively. Its just a personal preference.
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