am i the only one?



  • @magcaw not all people get sick, my MIL has to take medication for Thyroid. And that is a bummer, you are stuck in a hard situation
  • @lilbabythree I couldn't imagine making that accomplishment and having to back track. Your only 2 weeks behind me :) I'm hoping to lose the baby weight, I hope to get enough drive to get to my goal I have wanted to get to for years. Lol
  • @mscheyla the best time to lose weight is as soon as u can after having the baby and brestfeeding helps too. We will have to stay in touch and maybe be work out buddies so we can both reach our goals.
  • I know how you feel after my 1st It took me a whole year to get down to 150 and I was 145 in a size 7 before I got pregnant... I had just lost the last 5 and was thinking that I was on my way. That's when I found out I'm having another baby! So I guess I'm back at point A! So good luck! Hope it doesn't take you that long.
  • edited April 2011
    @magcaw its very common today for people to have thyroid problems. I belive they can test it just by taking your blood. My mom has thyroid problems and she doesn't have any type of illness or anything. They tested mine routinely a few years ago because they said it could be hereditary, but it was negative
  • @newmommy17 I guess I should talk to my doctor about it at my next appt. I feel like such a hypochondriac, but I guess it's better to rule it out.
  • Thanks. :)
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