My 4yr old limping after shots. Advice from parents who have older children

edited April 2011 in Parenting
My daughter just got her kindergaten shots on Tuesday and she is still limping. They gave her 2 shots on each leg. She says it doesn't hurt anymore but when I feel them she pulls away. I'm thinking they are still sore. Shes walking fine on one leg but is on tip tie with the other.


  • I used to be a medical assistant and I have plenty of booster shots. None of them are very thick shots thats should bruise, usually the pain goes away fairly quickly. Did she tense up and not use the muscle afterward? Or does she have a knot feeling bump under the injection site? It is always ok to call the clinic where she had them and explaine whats going on and see if they have any advice. If not an ice pack on the injection site is something my clinic always told patients. And if it does not get better or gets worse make sure and take her in to get checked out! Hope I could help a little.
  • @finallyamomma: Thank you, she did tense up when she got them. She is fairly thin/petite also. There is not bump just some warmth to the touch at the site. I'll give it another day and call the Nurse if she doesn't get better.

    thanks for your input.
  • Massage her leg for her.. is it bruised up? My son is 4 and when he gets scrapes or anything. It is the end of the world. He doesn't cry about it but doesn't want me to touch it afraid its going to hurt. Did you give her any children's pain reliever? I always give it to my son after shots and would massage around that area. Hopefully it helps, if it continues, I would try to see what the pediatrician can do.
  • My son would favor his leg after shots or falls, and limping actually makes it worse. I have to remind him all the time not to limp because he forgets.
  • My kids have had sore shoulders and been unable to lift their arms for a few days after shots. And I had to get a flu shot after I had my son in December 2008 and I couldn't lift my arm for a week--it was seriously worse than the c-section incision because I wasn't expecting it. I think you're right, I'd give it a day or two more and then call her pediatrician.
  • Thank you ladies. I called the nurse and I'm giving her tylenol and an ice pack for the next day, if it doesn't go down, I'm taking her in.
    Thanks again
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