Old Hags!!!!!



  • @brookiesbaby
    I agree! Old men are just awful. Old ladies can be kinda dumb or nasty, but for some reason, old men are terrible!
  • Honestly I wud just tell them off..its really fun to tell ppl wat u think bc half the time they're pussys n won't say shit lol especially to a prego! N I understood every word lol
  • Well from the looks of this post, I think the young ones complain a little more than the bitties. & not saying this to any of you....but I also think the younger generation feels that they are entitled to acting a certain way. My opinion.
  • This whole post hurts my brain...lol
  • @1princess&;princeontheway u should read the post "you can't even spell pregnant (mini vent)" ridiculous total bitches who obviously think this an English class! I might shorten words but I do kno how to spell!
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  • I understood it!!! B-)
  • I understood your post. What i do not seem to understand is the reason people keep posting opinions on discussions they do not agree with? I know that sometimes we come across things that bother us, and that is fine to be bothered by certain things but isn't it smarter to avoid coming across those certain things instead of making a huge argument where there was no intention of it? I know some people get annoyed by the way people type, but if it annoys you so much why not just go back to the list of discussions and click on the next discussion? Is not all that hard you know?
  • Thanks @perly that's all I was trying to say! :-).. thanks @armywife3 its not hard at all to understan..:-)
  • I totally understand. I mean the sad part is that most of these ladies are grown women yet they cannot seem to act like such. The pregnant and hormonal excuse is totally out of the question because I am pregnant and hormonal too and I do not carry myself that way. I'm pretty sure that if an 18 year old can behave and mind her manners then we all can... in this case, me being the 18 year old.
  • @mommy_2 I understood every word in your discussion. I'm from Ga and a lot of my friends txt that way so I'm used to it. I totally know what you mean when you said old women complain about crazy things and they think that they know it all too!
    @perly I totally agree with that!
  • It's crazy how it got off topic. Anyways I totally agree old people SUCK except for my grandparents Lol. I live in an apartment complex surrounded by old folks. I LOVE the neighborhood, but HATE these nosey, ancient people who can't mind their own damn buisiness. I'm terrified of getting to that age.
  • I better correct myself before someone jumps down my throat. *business*
  • I swear I will be the sweetest old lady in the world!
  • I love old grumpy people :) but they have to be super old, or its not cute! I worked as a home health aide for the elderly for.a while and its so funny how they just totally have stopped giving a sh#t and say whatever the hell they want to! Haha BUT again they need to be really old and fragile, or else it is.NOT cute lol
  • Ths post almost made me kry reading it lol i knt believe how many ppl act like its tht hard to understand txt talk lol Wow get over yourselves smdh
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  • LMAO....I'm old ppl, understood everything u said and am sure I complain too much at the doc. I hate waiting in the waiting room cuz I usually have my daughter who's 1 1/2. The less time waiting the better!!
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  • wow..... @jamie 77 that makes me look forward to having teen boys.
    Back to the old people I love em but you gotta be pushin 80 to be super cranky! I had a customer the other day who freaked out. Serioulsy cover her ears and gritt her teeth eveytime I said "no problem" for some reason she hated those words. Took me forever to figure what I was saying and even when I did I couldn't stop saying it.

  • I read it fine, ppl r sooks sometimes, I prob. wouldve laughed, what else can ya do
  • Why cant we have a simple convo without judging and hate? If u dnt understand the post simply sk wheb i firsr joined i struggled with all the acronyms and EVERYONE uses them but i asked and i get it now.. This is the 2nd convo about this txt language stuff and it doesnt mean u cant spell.. The english language has hundreds of varients and has been changed loads for hundreds of yrs... So if ur not sure ask dont judge ppls spelling or education because they shorten down a word or couldbt txt v well at the time
  • As seen by my txtin.. Lol opps..

    Oh im british as well so i could also use some.of our dialect on here abd jus confuse everyone..? Reem ;) and i got an a in english

    I got annoyed when these old ladies barged past me in queues n knock.me flyin... I was like grr.. Excuse me?
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