I sign the papers today for.....

edited April 2011 in Babies
I went to the doctors today and signed the forms .Iam planing to have my tubes cutt off after birth. I'm so ready, any one else planing the same. I will have 3 kids and done. Two boys and a little girl on the way. (:


  • edited April 2011
    I wish I could I'm on #2 n I'm 23 but I should ask my dr if its possible she would do it... I'm ready to close up shop [-O<
  • Are you sure your not going to want more kids?
  • Well I have 2 boys and a girl and am expecting another boy! Personally I'm not ready... I feel I am too young to decide whether or not I'm going to have another in my future; so it will be the IUD for me:)
  • Yes i am done after this will be number 4 4 and I'll be soo happy with my decision
  • edited April 2011
    roomfor1more: I'm sure if u are serious ur doctor can do it, it depends.
    Alana: I'm POSTIVE ...
  • I'm going to be 30 this year and I realized the older the harder it is "health wise" that is well aleast for me.
  • Lucky I want mine done!
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  • I'm 32 weeks and have gestational diabetes. Its been the hardest pregnancy so far but learn a lot, especially eating healthie now (:
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  • I haven't signed a paper yet. I asked and she said my insurance is private? They just do it after delivery. I think choosing whatever method of bc we want should be a definate decision. I'm happy with my semi mid life surprise, but I'm also done.
  • KerrideeRN not sure yet but it should be natural like my two boys. I'm praying I have the baby the same "natural". My doc told me today in two weeks she is going to start montiering the baby and stuff.
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  • I'm sure you still can even after u go home with your baby. You just gotta set appointment and consultation to make sure your really ready.
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  • edited April 2011
    I say you tell your doctor yor ready and you want it done after birth while your still at the hospital, if u have a c-section its even faster bcus before they sow u back up they tied them right there and then. Goodluck hun (:
  • I thought about it. I was so sure at first but I'm having second thoughts since I won't have any help with my oldest daughter. My doctor said that the copper mirena is wonderful and it lasts 10 years. It also can be put in right after I give birth. Btw, I will be 21 in June. Baby is due in July. I just don't know what to do.
  • I'm getting it done. This will be my third and I'm happy with that. I'm 29 and definitely don't want to be having babies in my 30's.
  • I will sign my consent forms at my next appointment in may. I'm due august 7 with baby number 3 and my first little girl. I'm 26 and know I do not want anymore kids. My doctor will tie my tubes the same day I deliver. Congrats to all on there newest addition
  • Im 41 and having my 3rd baby... Im getting my tube (had one tube removed a long time ago) tied.. My doctor told me that if I have a c-section then I can get it done while im in the hospital.. If vaginal, then I have to wait 6 weeks.. My first two deliveries were vaginal, so Im hoping this one is too.. I just wish I could have it done while im already there..
  • Im.havn tubes tied.. dont believe in pills since I got pregnant the 1st mnth i started. A surpriseee bby. So c-sec for the 3rd time and tubes, burn, cut whatever it takes not to.have more...3 is enough!
  • Birth control has too many harmful side effects.
    QuowaniSemaj_0711: your still young and if u have a good stable healthy marriage or relationship. You should wait but its up to you hun. Blessings to all and your decision :-bd
  • I'm getting mine done after this one I was supposed to with my little girl cuz I ruptured & we almost didn't make it so I have to have a c-section @ 36 or 37 wks. :-S I wanted 5 children but I'm thrilled that I will have 3.
  • Im 27 and on baby number 3. Im getting mine tied/cuz another pregnancy could kill me. Here where I am you get it done in the hospital the day after the baby is born and medicaid will pay for it as long as you sign up 30 days ahead of time
  • @KalikoJenie literally or just a figure of speech?
  • @theswift4 I wasn't suppose to get pregnant this time, because I get kidney stones from being pregnant that cause my kidneys to almost shut down. I told the doctors that at my first visit when I got pregnant this time, but they didn't monitor me correctly and it happened again. Doctors told me that after this one, if everything goes ok, that I need to get fixed because next time they may not catch it in time and I could die of renal failure
  • @KalikoJenie Wow that must b scary. The Dr that delivered my daughter said I may not make it to 35 wks without my uterus rupturing again.
  • So after they found out u had stones what did they do?
  • @theswift4 wow that must me scary as well. How far along are you? As for me it is semi scary, what's worse though is my health care providers could have caught this early and prevented it. I hate having surgery, much less having it when pregnant. My left side is the one that acted up, but when they did the ultrasound they saw they were also starting to form in my right. So I am praying that the meds they have me on will keep the others from getting so bad I need more surgery. At least I only have weeks to go.
  • Basically I had to have surgery to place stents in my ureter so that way the urine and such doesn't get blocked and end up in my bloodsteam. I ended up with e coli in my blood. First time in happened I got to the hospital and the doctors said if you had waited twelve hours longer you more then likey would have died, this time when I started feeling the pain I felt before I went to the doctor and they sent me to the hospital and sure enough same problem, at least this time I didn't get completely sick.
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