I sign the papers today for.....



  • I want mine done but I'm wondering if they can do a c section to just tie them n instead of me having my baby. Vaginal n having to come bk to get cut..I rather just get it all over with
  • @Babyluv_3 that is why im glad they do ours while ur still in the hospital (as long as you don't deliver on the weekend) granted my luck it will be a saturday. Lol.
  • @KalikoJenie I'm only 9 6/7 wks. So I have a long way to go.
  • Well I wish u the best. Hope you go to full term or as close as possible. : @theswift4
  • They said I have to have a c-section @ 36 or 37 wks they will not let me go past 37.
  • Well better safe then sorry @theswift4
  • Lol all of us turning 30 this year r gettinG our tubes done n shutting down shop. This will be my 4th . I jokingly told my Dr just take it all out. I missing enough parts already.
  • Lol this is my first my fiances second and I've said I've had enough an want mine tied lol!
  • I understand ladies.. my husband has 3 from a previous marriage n this is my first...a boy...I'm gonna have to try n try till I get my baby girl.. I know it sounds crazy but I want a daughter too n then close shop...
    Oh well n my grandmother had 7 till she had her girl.. just hope I don't have to have so many.. lol :P
  • edited April 2011
    @kalikojenie&; @theswift4 wat were u mama'symptoms
  • I want mine but not bad enough to have a scar,I have 3 kids already no c-sections so far thank goodness! But I heard they can go threw your belly button? If that's true I'm all in! My husbands getting "fixed" but I would love to be double sure lol. Has anyone heard of the belly button??
  • I have a question isn't possible u can still become pregnant after u have yo tubes tie, the reason y I ask this is cause I saw on I didn't know I was pregnant that a lady was in her late 40's and she had her tubes tie and she became pregnant and one the ob/gyn ladies said its possible that yo tubes can heal themselves bac together and u can become pregnant again
  • Ive heard of people still getting pregnant,not many but its possible. That's why I want to make sure me and my husband have permanent birth control.
  • @tierra I remember a lady told me that it happened to her. They untangle after a certain amount of years
  • I'm having tubes tied and cervical ablasion (burning of uterus = no periods). This is baby 4 and I will be 40 a month after he is born.
  • I've never heard of that! @Ria_mom2bof4 I'm going to ask my doc about that is love a hysterectamy but I know that has to be medically necessary
  • I'm hoping I can get mine tied. I'm 19 and pregnant with my first but I DO NOT want any more babies! My husband has 3 kids from two previous relationships so I think he's good too. If they wont tie them, I'll get mirena and sell my eggs when I'm 21.
  • @sdubois it is better known for women who have painful periods but it serves more than one purpose
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