HELP!!! at 14 weeks how much did your baby weigh?

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Just wondering when i went in for my ultasound at 14+2 my baby already weighed 3 oz and apparently the average baby weight is 1.5 0z -2oz. What was your baby weight around this time? Im scared I hope I dont have a big baby where I have to get a C-section!


  • *Ultrasound
  • Do u have diabetes? I know babies w moms who have diabetes and/or are overweight tend to have larger babies. I have diabetes & am kinda overweight. But baby is measuring exactly the right size for the weeks I am. 16weeks tomorrow.
  • @one5one no I dont have diabetes and how much does your LOs weight right now? and I am a lil bit ow
  • I don't know the exact weight. But I went in at 13w2d & baby measured 13w5d. I went back at 15w2d & baby measured the same. If your concerned ask dr. Also maybe start eating healthier. But as for now I wouldn't worry much. If you're 30 weeks & measuring large then worry. Big babies can have trouble at birth & give u trouble in labor.
  • My doctor's suck i just recently switched and i go back may 17th and i try it weird cuz i dont really wat much now due to morning sickness that last all day long but im definitely goin to ask my dr. at my next apt Thank you for your help
  • Your welcome. I'm sure your baby's fine. Just a fast grower!
  • edited April 2011
    I went on wednesday and my munchkin weighs 5oz and 6 inches long.....but im 16 weeks and 2 days.
  • @newmommy_navywife awh have you found out your sex i cant wait to reach 16 weeks ;)
  • I find out on tues! When are you due?
  • My daughter always every other month was measuring two weeks ahead
  • im due 0ct 16 i have to wait 2 more weeks well almost 1 im sooo excited what are you hoping for
  • I'm due Oct 5th. I want a boy.....but now I'm kinda excited either sex. Lol you?
  • Hey I'm due 10/8. I'm 16 weeks tomorrow. Do u just ask how much baby weighs? My dr does ultrasounds every 2wks. When he measures crown-rump I see the weeks babys at. How do they determine weight? @NewMommy_NavyWife
  • Gotta weight til 19 weeks to see the gender.
  • edited April 2011
    @one5one I'm not sure how they do it, they just told me. Lol and they measured mine head to toe bc my munchkin was currently stretching out straight.

    Oh and I'm cheating ans getting a 3d. Lol
  • @newmommy_navywife I want a girl but then I want a boi l0l i will be happy with either or just really wanna kno what it is growing inside of me l0l

    @one5one my dr who does the ultrasound automatically told me how much i didnt have to ask but im sure if you they will tell you
  • @octmommy2b yah I'm dying to find out! So ready to start shopping. I wanted a boy something bad, but now I'm getting kinda excited for hairbows.
  • Hmm I see. My dr did 3d for me at 12or13weeks & gave me an incredible pic. But asked to see gender& he said wait another 4weeks! Ugh. U got it right there!!!! But I go every2 weeks cuz of high risk. So its usually a quick scan to check baby. I went Monday & go back next Monday. I think I will ask about weight & height.
  • I realllyyyyy want a girl. I have a daughter who's almist 11yrs old. But saved her baby clothes & want to use them again. Girls.are fun to dress up!!!
  • @one5one well good luck! I can't wait to find out the gender.
  • @Newmommy_navywife MEEEEEEE toooooo i think that why im so excited im just ready to shop already when i went in at 14 weeks the tech said it looked like a boi but wouldnt tell me 100% im looking for a 3d place but cant seem to find a good one for a good price :( ! I want a girl because of all the cute clothes and things we can do together :)

    @one5one sumtimes its too early and they dont want to get your hopes up for sumthing that cud be wrong the tech gave me a guess and im for that now i just need to wait for a 100% and im high rick as well due to high blood pressure
  • @octmommy2b yah I'm just so ready for Oct to get here so I can see and hold my little creation. Lol
  • @Newmommy_navywife I totally agree it seems like forever from now tho..i guess when i start shopping n stuff it will go by much faster! Are you goin to have a baby shower if so when?
  • @octmommy2b yah I'm having like 3 different ones....I'm not exactly sure when. Prob this summer.
  • I'm not sure at 14w how much he weighed but at 21w he was 1lb which they said was right around normal
  • @newmommy_navywife awhhh im only 1 =( but im sure it will be a blast hopeing around the beginning of August or end of july Im just super excited plz keep me updated with your pregnancy! I hope the best for you and your lil one
  • Maybe your right. Better to wait. I'm having a shower but don't I wanna throw it Or at least help. I want things done my way. Maybe I should have 2 but idk my aunt wants to throw me one but my other aunt don't like her so that's y I wanna do my own then have it at a neutral place.
  • I was thinking of having mine on august 13 or sept 3.
  • @one5one Sept that my bday l0l but that's awesome my mom n sis r throwing me one im am goin to help with it as well as far as picking things out and what i want becuz it is MY baby shower and i want make sure that i enjoy it as well as everyone else. Sum stuff they can handle on their one like food and decorations but as far as location n when n where and who i want to be there im picking.
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