HELP!!! at 14 weeks how much did your baby weigh?



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  • @ashleyfew thank you and i hope so either that or my due date is wrong
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  • True that totally agree thanks
  • @octmommy2b oh that's your bday huh! Yay well I have no sis & moms passed on. My friends r asses sumtimes. So I might just do my own
  • @one5one yea do it yourself then. Especially if you have no one to count on 100% I would hate to get screwed in the end cuz they didn't come through
  • Your right. I've heard stories where thing get bad at these showers. Its not happening to me!
  • I'm due september 30th and I'm 17 weeks today and my ultrasound 2 days ago showed my baby weighed 1/2 lb...idk how many oz that is but the lady said it was normal...I hope this helps :)
  • edited April 2011
    A friend of mine just delivered her 15wk baby :( and she weighed 6.3 oz and was 6 inches..they told her size was normal..
  • I think its more of a guess for them.. :)
  • aAhh 3.6 oz my bad!!
  • On wednesday I went for an ultrasound and was suppposed to be 14w2d, but he measured to be 14w6d! with a 3.01oz!! Lol his original due date was october 17 but with the unexpected growth, he is due october 13th which happens to be his daddy's birthday (: ((i'm calling it a he and I dont even know the gender yet !))
  • Lol @honestlyhopeful they didn't change my due date I wish it would move up lol
  • There is alot of time left for ur baby to grow. I wouldn't worry this early about a big baby. Plus even when ur at 39 or 40 weeks and they do ultrasounds they can be off over a pound. Just eat healthy and ur baby will be the right size
  • @octmommy2b oh they changed mine cuz they also measured my baby's bones like the femur and arm and head size and it all measured out to be 4 days ahead of schedule including my baby's weight, so thats why they changed my due date. So your baby could just be getting a lot of nutrients to start adding fat under its skin early. Its said that after the first trimester that you can't measure your baby to the babies next door because this is when the baby's growth varies with each pregnancy, thats what I read in one of my pregnancy books lol
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