38 weeks and I have the PUPPPS skin rash...i want my baby out now!

Do women go into labor at 38 weeks???


  • Not often! :( I had puppp with my first from 32 weeks until I begged for induction at 41 weeks, I thought I would die. It was over july/august, too. Are you having a boy? And is he big?
  • No im having a girl. I started getting the rash at 33 weeks and im at 38 weeks. Im tall and bigger boned so my stomache doesnt stick out, I have no idea how big our baby is going to be. I think PUPPS is torture, and im super tempted to try natural inducments!
  • Puppp is much more common with boys and twins; you really have bad luck. :( I still say that puppp was the worst thing that ever happened to me physically. I used to scratch myself till I bled and then use band-aid anti itch gel. I'm so sorry you're going through this! It really does go away almost immediately after delivery, though. I had a bit of lingering itchiness but it was NOTHING compared to what it had been.
  • Oh my sister had pupp rash too her honey was online all night trying to find something to relive her rash and he did!! Some lady made it herself soap lotion and a cream he bought it and had it shipped overnight for her which cost more than the products themselves. She was never happier after she showered with the soap
    I can find out if a what its called if anyone's interested
  • Damn @whozdher I wish I would have found that while I had it!
  • I used grandpas pine tar soap and christophers itch ointment. It helps a lot, but some days my body overheats and I want to scratch my self with a brillo pad!!! Im so done with this pregnancy!
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  • i never heard of the rash but i had both my children at 38weeks.. i just walked all the time
  • @magcaw yeah my sister was in love with. That stuff she used to scratch till she bleed and used yo wear PJ's to work cuz that's how she was comfy. I can still ask for the name and website if anyone needs or wants to know
  • Does there have to be a "rash?" I itch like crazy for over a week now, 39+3 wks, but I don't have a rash just itching that won't let up... and Benadryl does not help at all...
  • For those who don't know what PUPPPS are: inflamed stretch marks ( not just on the stomach) and dots, sorta reddish inbetween the stretch marks. They spread through out the entire body. Its rare, happens to less than 1 percent of pregnant women. Also a third trimester rash.
    Ps: it sucks
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  • @kkmommy you can definitely see it if you have it. The stretch marks get puffy and turn BRIGHT red, and when you run your finger along them you can feel the bumps. Your itching is probably either from your skin stretching with the baby and water retention or a from your insane hormones.
  • @magcaw thanks for the response, my dr said its probably just a histamine release that should go away after baby comes, I just wish there was something that could help cause its driving me nuts
  • I think I had that, I remember being SOO itchy and my stretch masrks became bumpy and blood red! The itchyness was unbareable. I thought it was caused from the coco butter I was using! So I stopped! I used aloe to get rid of the itchyness, which took a few weeks. But it worked for me!
  • @whozdher whats the name of that soap of u dont mind :)
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