Very horrible charlie horses in legs when sleeping HELP!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
omgsh they hurt so bad, if I move my feet the wrong way I get one in my sleep:( any suggestions on how to make them stop?


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  • I jump up when I get em. Try eating more bananas drink xtra water and sometimes a warm bath or shower. I found ice packs or heating pad help. Be careful if u rub tho, watch for bloodclots
  • Try to pull your toes up to your knee, that normally helps me
  • Hopefully someone can answer this! Oouch is right I get them in my sleep too and it's sooo painful!! How far along are you? I'm 35 weeks and thought I was going to get away with no leg cramps, boy was I wrong!
  • I usually stand on a cold floor that sometimes helps a lot of bananas!
  • @steph_s90 and @maddyontheway i've been getting them too when I lay on my right side. One night I woke up screaming and couldn't even stand on my leg :( my husband was really worried. If u find something that helps let me know!
  • I read that I'd you sleep on your left side it lessens thee chance of cramps in your legs
  • @uncaffeinated_katie hmm that'd good to know, ill def drink lots water :) @isaiahnjocelynsmommy & @buebug3 I tried that but I got one so bad last night I couldn't move my foot to stop it, it like froze lol @seifer12211 thank u very great tips!! @maddyontheway I'm 25 weeks was hoping I wouldn't get them either lol at least I only have 5 weeks tops!!
  • @amettlea thanks for the advice:) why lots of bananas? @blissmarie23 aww that sounds horrible!! Hopefully some of this advice helps!
  • When I used to get them in my first pregnancy I used to get up and sit on my leg like < so try it I know it sucks a$$ to do but it helps. ;) good luck
  • @preggers I try sleeping on my left side but I love the right side I always end up on the right side. Hah
  • @momof22be lol thank you I will def try everything cause they suck! @maddyontheway you *** not I lol stupid phone I have 15 weeks! Lol
  • I will tell u the secret to get them to leave asap u wont even have any pain it works I swear by it..ok push with ur index finger directly up on ur nose at the very bottom like underneath ur nostrils u havr to push firmly but im telling u it seems so weird but it works takes it away instantly! Let me know if it works for u hun good luck ps seriously ive been doing it for years it rly works I learned it from my.crazy great aunt lol neway let me know :)
  • edited April 2011
    @blissmarie23 try it too!
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  • Hmm, never heard of putting your finger in your nose :-? I've been waking up with the same thing & my great aunt told me to use a bar of soap?! Thought it was crazy but it actually works! Open a new bar of soap (any kind) & place it @ the foot of your bed between your mattress & fitted sheet...Haven't had one since:)
  • edited April 2011
    @cajunmom lol not inside ur nose just directly underneath and push up with the middle of your index finger!
  • Lmao @ landynplus1momma...Preggy brain moment:) I was wondering what my husband would say if he woke up & I was laying in bed holding my leg & had my finger in my nose:) Haha!
  • edited April 2011
    Bahahahaha I needed that good laugh ha the way I worded it I can see why u thought that lol too funny my hubby would be like uhh lindsey wth r u doing haha!! @cajunmom thanks again for the laugh :)
  • I had my first leg cramp today n im 17 weeks. Man that shyt hurts lol my husband told me to stretch my leg out but I couldnt cuz it hurt so bad. I jus kept screaming :(
  • Someone on here told me as soon as it starts to get up and just stand up. It hurts for a couple of seconds and for me it works miracles. I get them almost every night because I stretch too hard in my sleep, I have heard the soap thing tho can't hurt to try it. Hope you feel better love :)
  • Sadly I have gestational diabetes so it would be a real stretch in my diet to eat a banana a day (like I could have only a banana for breakfast :( ) I will try the index finger thing though. ;)
  • I was getting them bad and I started taking potassium pills and drink more water! Havent had one since the middle of march!
  • I kno how u feel I get them too. I usually stretch the pain out until it goes away.
  • Be carefull with all the extra potassium yes it can help but it also can screw up ur heart rate.
  • Nanners. Help mine..
  • @babyinblack682 do you know of other foods other then bananas that have potassium? Im on my phone and google takes forever! I take a pill before bed everyday, and it has helped me soo much
  • Potatoes carrots, broccoli, fish, juices too prune juice carrot juice apricots, cantalope, raisans they actually have more than bananas per serving that's all I can think of bc that's what I eat lol
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